Show socias chronicles tha wedding weddin of miss faireal C I 1 laae to leon I 1 luff took piece it provo saturday afternoon it 4 t oclo k h at the home of tile the bri lc le grooms is 19 ter ler mn 0 W benlev the lere mony was preformed ei it hi bishop albert Manian rg of tile the filth fifth wald ai 0 provo I 1 ahe he bra br 1 wort wore a bp gown of hiep lap latin bitin an cir i chuwer bijie ul elf cf r tai ts 3 lit hir r NI mia i s I 1 III u lie ila C Citi ili iWai acted iii bridesmaid and ami anre on n ex esq 1 lialis roan of blut blui silk cueme cluff na cra beat man the young coup IL min niini elegant presents pree enta about guests yvere ceru 1 present amon both friend and relatives ivea the oung couble have hoats of fr herd in richfield Rich fidd who i eiten 1 to t them their li cartiest contratti con congratulations gratti I 1 at antis the En elianon narlan club were veri ver entertained by bv dorothy NN rii riita ohl ta t aril anil miss gat the arnht t home tuesday M iq Wa kiers mother mrs cats A winer of salt lake t ity was the guest of honor after spen apennine diniz arre little liine in sewing delightful were ter vad those present including lhoste hoste seq aid guest 0 hoor lioi or were the Med ii e C haq ha Hepol rT E E hoffmann lloyd Harn harnden Hi imren ren A L 1 woodhome Wood home henrietta wright woolley and the masses vita donahoe and lois walker in anticipation ot of sirs ers acta needs we harpur a very comprehensive assortment of the newest fall models in costs coata suits and kotona gowns which will arrive this week marij uin of theio thecie same models willbe wilbe shown next summer the famous storell store |