Show DUCK RIDS ROOM OF FLIES management of chicago hotel will in the future pin its faith to domestic bird the manager of a big chicago hotel has found T I 1 en em simple solution of the fly problem it is 13 a flock of ducks duck tile the ordinary boari perhaps has no accommodations accommodation i tor for live auces but tit in this there is a fountian in the center of the approaches to the arious dining rooms the fountain has a large basin arid and just by vay may ot of tit ahe manager several months igo algo placed i few ducks in ili the then rh piddled diddled around ind and it and tile the guests enjo d I 1 put better still the ducks also alpo enoy enjoy d the flies alies that attempted to enter the dining rooms roomi and feast upon tile the good things therein herein the flies files in i hirago at least fl lo 10 ind ducle is B any one mho ins his eier eer seen then them knobs are quiel in catch ing insects insect the consequence I 1 this particular hotel once troubled inith ith flies now has none and add the ducks once lean to nerge of 0 DIness are fat and sleek the duel method ot of disposing g ot of the fin fl nuisance cannot of course ob tain in ili private households to an dc rree gree but in ili this particular hostelry the ducks ducki lii hive e caused the mire cire alv statter rT sv alter atter air and traps to be thrown into tile the ash heap perhaps next acar ear the enterprising manager will mill attach some sort of 0 a me meter ter to ever eera duck so BO that at the pud end of the season lie he can tell how brinn flies each bua bw fou fo I 1 has disposed of mith and despatch deatch |