Show the political kal ital situation the her ild dd republican of noice her loth lolli bubli published hed an editorial under the caption the future of the republican pirt part assured nit BLA united effort is 13 needed which sizes up the situ intuition iton in a splendid m inner fol luine loina we reproduce the article for the benefit of our ret ders the ht ruggle is over ind irid dr woodrow wilson has been chosen president predent oc nf the united states elected li by a giaino ra molty ia hut but with a clear title entitled to and receiving the full respect and unanimous support of every american no matter what his pettiest faith or his creed W willam 1111 m howard taft will retire from this great offie office on march 4 act defeated for reelection election re but with the consciousness ness never nevertheless theles that he has merited the confidence of the people that he has been honest upright and able lid did his duty as he saw it ind delivers to his successor a prosperous government and a prosperous leople flowers of verbiage verbi ige are not necessary nor will they condule conduce to 0 his peace of mind nor does the triumphant president elect need an aliv laurel of 0 rhetoric to adorn his brow 1 v e mistake the character of the incoming executive rf cf the great weight of his responsibility has rot already driven from froin hia nil thoughts all else elbe but that including Nihat whatever ever personal pride lie he rna mai have earlier felt the tha republic republican all party parts was beaten bec because auie it v via ab riot nut united a housa divided afia again insi t tell t ell ar arci r si L I 1 io 10 that the democracy oves its triumph as it is well snare detailed returns demon demonstrate beyond the peradventure pera denture of a doubt that a majority ina jonty of our citizenship is not democratic and does docs not believe in ill the principles of that parti part dazedly gratified a as its members tin mi fell feel in the methry ictor that they yet et comprehend in its yet every citizen maa ma congratulate III himself mae f an and d his country that while there are certain basic divergences between the republican publican Jie arid and democratic birties pir ties the party which has been successful anle unless s fale to its traditions anti and I 1 to tn the memory of its great hold to the inviolability of our ansti tut ions and pree preserve rii constitutional government the enthusiastic demands of the so called progressives Progress ives that thea the be recognized as the minority part maa ma be at overlooked ovet looked trost of them are republicans qt it heart drawn from their part by the power of an admitted admittedly 3 great personality who fell 1 I victim to that single sin of the angels unlimited ambition reflection as the months pass and the peo pie go about their wonted avocations will convince these that the great party which was called into being at the hour of sedition that fought fue cees cess fully a great war and preserved the union that has led the nation along the path of prosperity and dd ad van cement arid and that has made it a world power will not pass out 0 oi f existence because of one ona defeat or 01 of blows delivered by an ambitious man whatever objectionable ele merits ments there may mav be in the republic can party as individuals or person allies will be ba eliminated it if so bi be that they merit it but the republican Republic ai party is not composed of men but of 0 principles can the party which has ha followed mr roosevelt to defeat say sa as much mucha A nother another feature wh whim I 1 ch our friends af f tho the thud third pirty have overlooked is the exuberance ot of their of popular not ot over nier mr air taft is chrit a great dell deal of their popular vote note R republic b 11 C I 1 in n w was as received r c c c I 1 v e d oil nn tile the e pit ticket ticker under the republican those in C who cave mr air Roose roosevelt Nelt such i A splendid vote did so 0 is republican in south dakota hi sime bime condition obtained it in klin anni ni at in nebraska in low iowa ind gild in other stites men were doting dofing the republic in ticket inu for mr air koose velt at the same time despite ill that and despite the hundreds of thousands of N republic ins that voted for mr it wilson because mccau e they wished to in mr koo ehlt the proportion of the popular vote it ig four per cent greater than thit hit of mr air tift those who amlize the results will ivill assured 3 come to the conclusion t ehlt h futural successful ful re si stance to t the DemOL democracy can only be nigol b bv a united republican parti tile the republican Republic in parti will have more than one hundred congressmen in the net nent congress while tile the self progressives Progress ives will have at ohp large proportion of the senate minority it will be republic in those stiles that liae lave riot not been captured by bj the deboer ilg will have republican governors not progressive the lie licin in p birti irta still has pirl machinery through which to work mork its will what has las the bull moose firtl 1 all can agree that mr roosevelt h h is iq given the republican pirty its defect and that lust for office dictas d his lour loure course e hid he consented at chicago Chic igo when it became apparent that he could not he be nominated ind that hat mr raft could be to substitute or his own name that of hughes 01 01 hadley adelcy either could have been chosen choen nd the part would have moved on vard ato to glorious dicton the person lita of governor hadlec had domin d 0 1 I abed the convention young keen heen ilert alert vigorous a thoroughbred in ver respect honest virile and w with it h i magnetic personality pernal persona liti jt the great lon the missouri governor was given in it Wed wednesday needa of convention week was i spontaneous outburst from tift ard too 00 evelt men and was and engineered b avi former governor mgt of indiana the taft floor leader m the floor door of the convention the writer of this sat but a short istance distance from these two supposedly prosing osing floor leaders ard anion afung 9 newspaper paper men who have reported lati oral conventions for inana vears bears ind and as they realized zed that watson had pr the hadlai and that a deliberate v w I 1 is boi c tade rade it na to fo r tris bi llant ilant boing roges sive governor mr loor floor leader and those who oher observed ved that hide from that time on was kept in the lad bael ground li bi colonel loosevelt Koo sevelt and that hat hene benei and Johnson of california tile he twin wild lid asses as es of the debert v vere er e put forward by the colonel und that mr air roosevelt was using us mild pAi sense nihed hadley as d dangerous rival and that wedge wednesday day nigh on oil in floor of the Con congress grebs hotel the of the part gi dithered in con arence 11 cc to discuss 11 cubs a compromise hadle and nd others were viere men honed but hadle most insistent insistently lS ser a ter NN h I 1 was port ng mr air roosevelt went to the colonel ind and xu laired the situation to him ind arid slid that the party parts could be unit d u upon pon a strong strobl progressive if the colonel clone would only his votes 0 him and this is what the colon 1 said pounding hounding at the table with hib bib fist you tell them for me that thea ill take ake me or take nobou when it berame evident that clonel colonel ol onel Lampa campaign ign was personal and thit th it ho he would ie with nothing but his own lomi nation obviously the only was to let matters take their ourse course the platform adopted by the chi eago cagri convention was deckard de clard by governor hadac who was a 9 member of jf the resolutions committee to bo be the most moat progressive ever presented uy by an alvi political party parly it differed in no chiae ise from the enunciated by mr Roosevel ts party except that there was no socialism in ill it no mouthing mout men thina hinc of platitudes and no slush the fundamentals that have to do with national af affairs fairis were much the same the followers of colonel rousevelt roosevelt ire are such auch because they admire him his hia personality attracts thethis them his spectacular performances gratify their faculty for hero worship but they are republicans they believe in tho the party print aples they have defeated thir their own party because it would not permit their idol to do domina minato tn it the man chosen as that bartys candidate has been eliminated and colonel roosevelt has gone with him eventually dually they will return to help hell make the party of their first love and loyalty what it will be the fhe rank and hie file will follow this policy the P c who entered the roosevelt movement it to gratify person il ambition and to glut their ip petite for revenge ari mai 3 5 still insist that the bull moose pirty be but it rested on a per soni senility lity ind and that po liti cilli is no mure more |