Show H how ow to get rich one of th ahr rell richest i st inen of a certain coue chunh nt is klinn jb ab uell all by his penurious habits as hi by his link bink account A short time aso ago lie he invited in old friand to lo dine with fill him accepting tile imitation the arlind maa r to one of the cheapest hotels tit in the altce ind and to dinners nere arc or dered at 25 cents it each A sicondo cup 1 of f coffee nai ai ordered by the and when he fill finished klied it 11 the pair after the bill of 0 35 55 cults aas as paid meandered meander td cd out ut on the street noticing his hosts host a donac downcast agi and ei ci lence fence lie he rd cd lait had come over him nothing laid aid the host bost dut but soul ethIng must ho be crone said his bis fritus ell it as eald id criess ican I 1 can it under nd I 1 bow my bill N vaa as 65 55 cents oil oh said the guest I 1 had a see orld ond cup of coffee but I 1 it II pay for or tt it he at once took a nickel out ot of ble big pocket and brou Croe accepted it in dinDa Dolls |