Show CITY and 0 1 ian to 00 I 1 B maryi II of Circle villi waa in ItI richfield clifield tho the first part of the week tile the bass oi of the richfield high chool will ill ente entertain f tain the gills at a dancing party at tile anona friday evening A fine large draft horre hofe belonging to I 1 ll it dornon Mor non on v ici 11 killed by a I 1 act train near Gleno cd crossing brobst n g Suri sundi morning rhe firt firl ward v ard relief society i Is preparing to give a hip hig dinner it the carfi ivr 1 fai e dil the I 1 of the dinner will ail go to the meeting riou fund camp to ar rin cements will le e announced next week archie I 1 ar glnn arnn nn tile the thirteen icar old ill on of mr and an mr niels niela larson laron of elsinore died nov ath art frt trim m in attick of feer I 1 eneri undril er becq pre re held S St urda ind were large attend d ill III sorrowing friend of the the ideal entertainment for the ivo rafic is j i I 1 combination of a little pathos ind nd a great aph I 1 of fun much music ind stage pictures all these requirements are met in the famous new naw england rural boned corned drama draina uncle losh perking chich aich it iq foi nov 22 it the opera house it iq perhaps because of inq latif ing arrax of antrae tion that thi pinn e and humorous ous picture of farm life 1 his is long lone out lied hed mann man mort pretentious eliis we h hive ie received perc personal nal aal n 1 un information from the eart that the I 1 inn and the moue iq ranking making the tha I 1 mil ind of I 1 hit ind and hive been dome doing an enormous enor I 1 iline cs s since the dal it was VIAS arted stir t ted thi management mina gement has been digging out ind idding to it N without fear or orf divor ivor until it now standi stand without it hout an all equal in its line un on irene shelton N ai granted a divorce from leo edard sin was given alimony 50 attorn cia ice teea and SIG 16 50 collis tile the birties were m mir ir ried ned on september 12 of this beir I 1 rd pd I 1 ened I 1 ed together s i I 1 x d dis I 1 s it wre exactly two to months from the late date of marriage until the divorce di vorie wis grant rant ed the grounds ground of ere mehl ind nd to provide E 13 lJ olTmann 1 it re pe red ired as ai it torne for plain till ahe iron county ricord haq ha the following to ri of the filters liters idock COM bomian co mian whiff plas rip hip vi vin n winkle at tile the oien howie houie saturday night the Wal Walt tir cri stock nv one of th ill best all round the theatris atrit at al irrie on the ro roil A I 1 will be at the own older hou e L citing ein ng 1 I he lomping i as a hole rinks above aboc tile the adrige both in nd ind ability I 1 uke Cos cosgrove grive is the estr attraction his conic comedo 11 rules rides clever fail ing inc to please and delight to ible in le out day one member of the compa an I 1 si IN uch no is 13 better th in n the other would he be neiel a 3 stat statement of preference crone for a particular astl astle e and not a knowledge yf of super ability for it seems beems thit cich me member ar h hai a clear precept precepts i n and acid decla pecla for the interpretation U af f alie 1 role 1 which lie is alii hiie in rip vin winkle the lie I 1 eople of richfield nill all be treated to 10 ovic one of the I 1 ast theatrical of the seaton the third decree charlei charle fl fleina eins raphie arami clr will bc b it the opan bouic on dei dec 11 for one night life great creat of the hii been mot qt Col time and ancl it is believe I 1 thit the pro ent condition in minn mini joliet CIr cirelL CIL his ha I 1 in n lie heiring iring on the ir terest of the benord public as 3 well as thoe who are theotre pirton birton miss migs gertrude tonti continues continue nue in ill her pith of artsis tic triumph a annie Jel Tries getting to the front tile the man aho ho lanes to get to th ill front must not ilot spend too much time turning to see leo chit the ran back ol of him are doing jellyfish defined tile tiie jell floh according cordius ac to th III given by the star boa dol 1 aei iril nl a bass W lilt I 1 judicial jucH Judi rial tempt temper r ament the friend in need the man 13 3 willing to gh jhc ila 2 last dollar nith ith a fiend cin ila re find the friend much I 1 hunt jun t lug sometimes they shrink top FOP vleit doi to in ill parac mein in barr in ion Is latin and meant er well v ell hai on I 1 you seen i t fat boman in a bath ing ine sait ludge cows cowa which ent eat fish pried dried coal tish unsalted la Is eaten bt br he inhabitant of the faroe islands between shetland arid and iceland or 01 heir beir cos cons soils bas a consular report rhe fish naich Is ib of the cod alpe Is dered good fot foi cows cowa as it en atles them it is 13 stated to nield beld an ample of rich mill milk the dried ish 11 not lot cooked beffie being paten eaten t 11 is merel laid on stories and then jound loundra d nith alth beenes or han imers |