Show the federal ederae F deposit insurance IL L corporation Is now permanent all deposits in this bank up to insured permanently SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT 9 2 to in A 4 per w ipei ald year i tar ilk PLUS 10 TAX richfield commercial and savings bank J C whittaker pres thomas sevy vice pres k A A Y e M I 1 imal fl 0 rs te V H 8 AS MUCH AS 28 by paying delinquent taxes OW 7 FOR OR the benefit of delinquent taxpayers who have been hard pressed because of business depression the utah legislature enacted an emergency gency tax measure the law became effective march 25 1935 and expires january 1 1936 FIRST it enables delinquent taxpayers owing taxes for 1932 and prior years to save as much as 28 provided they pay all back taxes by january 1 1936 SECOND it enables delinquent taxpayers who cannot pay all back taxes now to save their property from tax sale provided they pay all delinquent taxes for 1931 and prior years before this year s taxes become delinquent ask your county treasurer for a free folder which explains this moneysaving money saving property saving plan in detail A survey throughout tho the state showed that tho the majority of UTAH STATE TAX delinquent taxpayers were not abaro of this liberal offer commission therefore tho the state tax commission cooperating with tho the various county and municipal ay officers are taking this opportunity ff to call it to the attention chairman of all citizens SAVE YOUR PROPERTY 1 READ OUR ADS AND WATCH OUR WINDOWS FANCY ANCY F WORK pillow cases pillow tops organdie gandie Or boudoir pillows vanities buffet sets luncheon sets laundry bags no single article over COATES FLOSS 6 strand and rayon 2 for ac laces ribbons threads and yarn you can see it at sprouses Sp rouses sarra jr ELM LIMP T co inc where a little money goes a long way auga A CLOSE OUT smartly styled s ono one lot childrens ROBES OUTING FI FLANNEL aNNEL wool flawey gowns 1 sizes 4 to 13 12 ake X makdad alark one lot outing the dahmm sad ad ua the Us big slate pajamas hajam as at 1 satt i saas colors color I 1 j sizes 2 to 8 WHILE THEY LAST aad shy others priced from at penneys Penne only yf last chance overalls seass Si aSS LADIES HIGH GRADE compare at big fall values in girdles es C t suits suit 75 including the two way stretch full cute cut and the zipper side style d denims triple ZIP stitched chod and bar WHILE weale TWENTY LAST tacked made to stand stan d hard suits for young men of the wear P a rv r v a 0 high school age styled buckles turned in camal f from r 0 m the college mans scams nw now capeskin gloves sizes viewpoint fine cheviots chevious chevi boys t twists w i s t s worsteds worst eds asi meres 33 38 rubber ase unusually largo large selection of footwear Sli N pona ns novelty mens st styles washable FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY a ile black at prices only penneys can bron navy 9 SUITS offer to 8 1275 to part wool DOUBLE 1975 BLANKETS A sensational offer boys sizes WITH TWO PANTS pair here ara are super superlative laUve blankets every one generous size site choose yours today finished with af a four r inch eteen tn hinduism hin duis A small deposit will hold it other double blankets to overcoats arriving dally 0 TV xa q 0 r P 9 r |