Show 0 OF GROUP R H S faculty entertains at recreational hour af after ter program prominent speakers at the seasons first regular meeting of the richfield parents teachers association held monday evening at the richfield high school were mrs A J west president and mrs geo al cannon first vice president of the utah congress of parents and teachers mrs chas E roe roc field representative of the NN national aa tt 11 oo 00 nn aa 11 congress of parents and teachers and miss ellen agren of the U S A C extension service jonathan lloyd president of the richfield P T A presided at the meeting after the invocation by S R boswell mrs west gave the opening address and in turn introduced other speakers of her party mrs airs west made the remark that it has taken the depression to make citizens of our country comprehend what a stabilizing izing force education is to the nation the PT P T A is the medium through which the parents may know what the schools are doing she said and added that when one b belongs borgs to the I 1 11 T A he joins hands hand s with two million other persons in in 23 organizations throughout t the e nation miss agren spoke on the work 0 of f the U S A C extension service informing the group that outlines and material were being prepared and would be offered through the extension service to P T A associations interested S R boswell county agent placed an order this week for outlines of the first four lessons for each of the PT P T A associations in sevier county miss agren also call ed cd attention to pamphlets available through the county agents office on such subjects as children in the home clothing of children selection of christmas presents and food and health for children mrs cannon directed her haer remarks to projects that might be sponsored by the P T A stating that in some localities choruses had been organized support had been given to beautification of school grounds formation of rec icat icat ional centers for children during rig the summer months and collections of books made some of i these projects had been financed by federal funds for material while men had donated their time to the work mrs chas E roe said wherever she had gone each state had boasted of its own glories but she felt that glorious mountains and canyons were well worth praising she brought greetings to all from the world federation of parents and teachers the childrens charter compiled by the best scientists educators specialists on child health and perfection containing nineteen points on child welfare and which the state has accepted as its challenge was discussed by mrs airs roe of the nineteen points she said the first three w were ere so good she had not even rem remembered ember what the rest were the three main points in consideration of the childs welfare she outlined as follows 1 spiritual and moral training to help him stand firm under the preB pressure sure of life 2 understanding and guarding of his own personality as his most precious right 3 for every child a home with love and security that will hold musical selections for the meeting monday were given by miss alice higby and dahl poulson and a reading by miss olive sellers after the program games and dancing were enjoyed under the direction of the high school faculty refreshments were served |