Show M men gleaner banquet held in third ward A banquet in the third ward church monday evening was a delightful diversion for the M men and gleaner girls of the vard M 1 I A chrysanthemums were used in decorating the long tables which held covers for fifty place cards and menu were suggestive of thanksgiving the following program was presented miss dorothy baker acting as toastmistress two violin selections coral dean baker a discussion of table etiquette by pat mccune vocal duet leon bell and rue rickets accompanied by miss leah bell reading miss bliss ila da coons remarks M I 1 A presidents bishop alex jensen mrs orson F christensen of the stake board and john nielson M nien men president for the ward 4 special guests tor for the occasion zere were the ward M 1 I A cies mrs henry peterson Pc terson mrs george 3 rge peterson mrs guy baker adrian peterson devon ford and lester ogden bishop jensen mrs christensen of the stake board and miss bliss thora cloward oward CI gleaner gleane leader the banquet was given by the two classes as one of their lessons lemons in etiquette which they have been studying at mutual miss dorothy baker and john nielson Nl elson presidents of the two classes had charge of arrangements |