Show jensen sends greetings to his richfield friends from Ban banning rung california the reaper received a letter this week which will interest many reaper readers who remember jenson burnell a richfield man who has been in the show b busi i ness a number of years tog together oth with the letter mr jensen enclosed an article from the banning record of october 26 which gives an interesting account of his progress from work on the road with a band show doing small towns in repertoire of old plays such as east lynne to playing on boardway new york his letter follows to my good friends in richfield just a few lines to let you know that we are arc still playing the towns and everyone is well and happy of course the sun waxes mightily here at times but I 1 got a sort of a hunch that I 1 better get used to a scorching climate gradually if you know what I 1 mean in fact it might be a good suggestion nothing personal of course we all want to be with the crowd we are going to build an ocean here on the desert soon why they are spending millions on this acque duct so they can catch the leakage from the boulder dam and pipe it in to the city hall in L A and stop the leakage there it has been necessary to arrange a lot of camps along the desert so those are the houses I 1 am playing at present and we do a fair business the camps are modern modem and complete in every respect hospital equipment and all say you know I 1 get awfully lonesome for the old town of richfield and my friends there and still I 1 have never had the pleasure of playing the theatre there since I 1 played the eastern circuits oh well I 1 guess you aint missed much that old saying A man is never without honor save when he gathers no moss 11 something like that I 1 never wl was s good at arithmetic anyway please convey my very best regards to all the folks in the capital of southern utah very respectfully JENSEN BURNELL 1 |