Show sevier school news items of interest in the district 1 0 from the I 1 ten denis dents office 0 0 ahe principals of the district met lat last Satui div afternoon noon in the corn cora 1 club the dates for the c classes clague were announced as tension follows salina saturday Noem bei libei i ith richfield friday frida november G at 1 7 p ni in in the gulde building mon bion roe fridan november ath at 4 p rn in the grad grade e bu brilling illing arofo professor ol lofter bjarna 0 n of the of utah will vill conduct the courses coure plans for american america education beek week were discussed it was avas agreed that each will abene e the NN week eek ind and the superintendent was its requested to send end ou out t suggestive outlines outline the sunda sen services ices for far the week will be held on the of november Noem bei and each school will till matrange for tile the suit sunday meeting in connection with the local chulch authorities there will nill be A big drice made to secure a large number of igitol for every school from the school pation lations y the ils adopted a plan Ilie here reb all school p who tile desire to purchase books for foi christmas christina ali m do so through the seenah anti and eighth glade departments department of each school the pupils will aill not onla furni furnish h the opportune but will be to suggest numerous boo books to who mho are aie looking for foi suggestions suggestion Fol following lomg is a per percent cent report leport of the zt attendance of teachers at the state convention percent redmond dedmond 75 north sexier seier high aurora sigurd 75 venice CC glena glenwood burrville Burr ville noo Koo harem high koosharem Koo sharem grade salma salina glade fiade richfield rich neld junior high 71 richfield grade 03 3 anabella nn abella 10 0 central elsinore 85 joseph joeph 75 cone coe monroe grades 83 south sevier high richfield high out for beet vacation and could not report Sa saturday I 1 high school 0 0 0 after a two no weeks beet a cation students stud ints and teachers of the richfield high school are refreshed and enthusiastic thusia all are glad to be at school again to meet old friends and once more to engage in the absorbing projects of school life of course coure there I 1 is but little school news nes this seek meek but the future ig issues aeb of the richfield reaper will contain much to in interest readers of this news nevis column A blanket of snow for the football field football friday Noe november niber 6 at salma salina tins thib will make the fourth game of the season for the it H S wildcats will the two teams meet on a field white with snow no or gli slippery with mith mud what care the wildcats they have practised practiced earnestly and long such determination and spirit as they the possess will give the salina high school a game which will be remembered a game came which the R I 1 H S hopes hope will bring victory A pep rally rail entla forenoon will aill cheer the team before then the leave leae for salina sahna VIC llie assemble a eibl hall ball will mill ic sound with ith spirited veils neils and songs improvements a at t t the lie high school 1 heres cheres nothing slow about tile the K R H S great na was the jo of the R 11 S students student when nhen thea the returned front beet vacation anti and found so go mani man re not novat rations ions in the school the faculo room book store anil and mr air baughans alvaughan Maug hans office have hae all been calci mined A new book case cae in ah miss s mil millers ler room has been made this new nenn book case cae nill be veri eri convenient and a big help to the school because there will be room for twice tice a as many mann books as the school now pos possesses esies the gymnasium will nill be readi read in a week or two to the students are anious lv anai awaiting ting its completion be cause at present there I 1 is no place for the basketball box boys to practice for the games that will nill be placed dr markus presents shakespeare one of the staunch friends of the richfield high school dr markus has presented to the R 11 S a complete set of Shake peares works the books are allu illustrated grated tra ted throughout and bound till this generous gift will ill help and greatti greata improve tho the library As shakespeare is exten iveli studied eil by high school students student the next new addition is appreciated li the school chool as a whole the harvard classics were nere dr markus contribution trib ution for last ear loeum october 31 11 a rare treat aas as given gien the R I 1 11 S when a group of foreign ringers ga gae e their concert the roial roal welsh gleeden of porth forth south wale fourteen in number delner ed d music of unusual merit at the richfield opera house houie under the leadership of dr joseph boveen bow en scotch irish english american and welsh songs were given among the group were such notables as toni tom prichard premier baritone since there are only two tao such groups in america today it is an honor to have them visit richfield and entertain with mth music of international fame dance atre ire 01 IOU ol there the goblins will get gel IOU ou if sou aou dont watch ate out and the thai were there at the anona october 30 1 0 mysterious spooks shooks lurked in every cornet cornei of the lull hall the witch nitch and the brioni broomstick tick the cat and the bit b it and eh elies ear ghosts and other some imper impersonation added much to the eie evenings rung entertainment one of the 1 argest crox crowds Nd ever attending a bill ball in richfield as meent pie I 1 ent spook people music and tune what hit more could be irya try 0 0 i high school I 1 0 0 long lone hair near earl a illing of the pis past t la IN bobbed hair a lasting fashion or is it dereh a passing fancy it seems seem to be rather fashionable in the south sevier high school at nt for of all the red held blown heads black heads head hite heads anti and ello ellos heads in the monroe high school at pie piment ent two to of them have hae escaped the puni punishment aliment of the barters barter keen cutters and cruel clippers after all it is hoped that these girl helen larsen and frances Cli clides ies will keep their hair long so that the beautiful long lone braids will not be crit neIN forgotten it seems m rather a noiel to have hae only two lone haired maidens maiden in school noi 1101 while onh a few fen nears aas ago it as almost a curio cuno tit iti to ee e a girl nith short hiir hair but axi mie e heads are arc nodding mysteriously for prophets tell us u the clip of scissors cis sors will soon be he ard again Hallo halloween dance the promenade of the ghosts was na held alida night at hot springs it was nas given b the aidi lid teachers tea cheis of monroe ind and it surely vas a good dancing p birtt iran the teachers a large number of bos bois anti and girls girl and each one N was as suppo supposed qed to ask aak a part net nei to go with nith him this plan proved successful neail ccrone ec rone wore ore some ome strange costume while all were ina masked ked duding the eail call part of the een eenink inz which added much m eteri anti and fun to the entertainment the liall hall was attractively attract nely decorated et I 1 in Hallo halloween neen colors color all in all the dance ha the reputation of being one of the bet best of the season A 11 change about wednesday morning as we ue entered tho the re ceminar cemi minar building we ne noticed signs of fall housecleaning house cleaning the oom loom I 1 had undergone a change in fact the change was as so great that N ve e hard hardev recognized our old seminary room but as we ne look looked ed more close iv 1 we ue found the difference was nag that the seats were facing north instead of west est tile the room now nov looks more attractive and is considerable more convenient an announcement the president of the south sevier high school student body chose a verv unique method for announcing the football game between monroe and salina last tuesday in assembly ds he dressed in a verv ner odd misfit costume he N was a impersonating our coach and after the assembly program had been rendered he stepped to the front of the stage and drawled dr his message in humorous dialect he told us that the game to be held friday the thirtieth at monroe would be a good game and requested that all the students s be in attendance to help our boes win and so 0 o bring one more victory to our school t assignment the students of tile the psychology class are delving deling into the of tile the subject with much diligence since mr air white announced that the term papers are aie due one week from friday students have late read that thai the liae have been able to find avri written on the subject of psychology the term papers consist of a thoro discussion on some ome plia phase e of psycho I 1 bologn or t the he value of psychology to the laer lav ver the merchant etc man students stu lents have chosen to discuss the darwinian theory theor the are go going ing to prove pro e to us that man did not spring horn from kionke in spite of the conina ing ei dence that we ue see almost eera adz da I 1 each student will ill be required to rite four of these papers one at the end of each term biggest bt program tile the mot most rollicking as assembly embla ua was held last Tue tuesday day when lien the freshman committee consist consisting ing of five enior of S S 11 S gave the fr freshmen ehmen culprits at an opportunity to redeem themselves of the ml de Inea meanous nors which they committed luring during freshman week the freshmen knew anex the ie le gong going I 1 to lie be punished but hardly expect ed the onslaught they received while the member of the committee arranging the desirably de setting for the scene which was nag to follow we e had a duet entitled EI the waters of Minne minnetonka tonka by bv two of our most distinguished sing pr ars floral christensen and melba kotter following Follo xing was an inspiring oration given tj mr ferd Eri enockson elon on the aimel subject of american da dav the thought th that it was as instilled ing tilled into the hearts of tile students was as keep steadfast tead fat to your trust and prepare for tile the future here make the most mort of what hat vou IOU have late and thank god for the leaders leader and government of our nation immediately following follo ing this the veil was nas drawn drain aside anti and the judge clara johnson appeared in the stage the program which hach fo followed I 1 consisted of ol 01 three quaker debates given 1 by the ni members embers of the freshman class who were trying to redeem themselves the subjects of the debate were 1 re resolved oled that freshmen are too young to lance dance 2 resolved that speaking before thinking I 1 is dangerous I 1 i Re soheil oled that the freshmen of this bear ear are neri er unfortunate abc sides amle were actori ou ous over oer the negative and won two debates out of three the judges judge ind and timekeeper adolph ASH aai russell ma eagleb gleb air Re rennan arian A B smith and mr reeve showed plainly ba b their glaring locks and sour soui faces face thit then the a fe few nears ears in advance of our oui times time this pirt p of tile the program was a laughing shimu lua JUN as all the students pioci miss rubi rub jenen jen en told us hox how high atiee a tice is supposed su to he be and mr air alfred anderson andersen told us in a short tune little the advantages of being a grouch b haing the judges a as some of the freshmen vere a ere given the blick boards to clean on account of the periods not being long enough to allow allou them to display their skill in assemble j all in n all the pr ralp was a a roar ing success and we appreciate the clean windows and boards board v v gond prospects in typewriting there are good prospects in typewriting t pe v this ear the students student are all working Nor king lot high speed and ac curnen curac there are more moie students tu dents of the south sevier semer high school enrolled eni oiled in typewriting than exer ever before tile the a are te putting en even ern effort forth so as to gain control over oer the keN keyboard board and work for peed and accuracy the second bear ear students are advancing anc irig veri er fast and are struggling to win in the medals some have hane alread gained the lower lover medals bu but t ire stilling for Romet something bing bi bigger 9 all these ambitious students in t typewriting writing we e feel there will ill lie be something gained that aill ft ill make us its proud of the S S 11 II S our neu garage during the pre previous ious we ne have hae had considerable trouble with our oui school trucks rot foi in instance tance last near cir one of the diners spent most of III his time building files near the trucks to keep the radiators from bur bursting ting but this winter xe we will ill not hae hac such quell problems to won u us s at the bark bak of the school building a garage ha has been constructed ind and there we will nill keep our luring school chool sessions fegion N we ve do hope lope that no nou will ill be protected front the snows and nl cold old das that winter will bring us terl exams school his has now nov settled down again follo following xing our short vacation and students are hard at work nork Ie because cuc 11 earns eains are coming the majority of the beet toppers are expected to return to school cli ool luring during the week cek and all students hope to pass the tests with nith high grades so the aull ill have tile the privilege an elege of wearing one of the next new school pins one of the vital questions now uppermost in our school is who will nill be tile the fortunate foit A and B students of the honor pins I 1 ruck service A committee of three representing the elsinore taxpayers met with nith the sevier district school board at t their heir last session held september 26 to discuss cu the betterment of the truck service serice ice the school board could readily see we e were ere in need of an extra etra truck for the cone conveyance Nance of the students to the S S if S members of the board spoke very neri fao favorably rallI in regard to the request of the representatives we the truck students hope the situation will soon be amended so 10 that imn utter after beet vacation we e may be greeted with avith a next new truck football ralli last fridae afternoon a pep rally was na called ml all white opened with ath a few of P pep ep 1 while I 1 l e the biesh les leq came next net with a song ong the student body cheered this ind and continued with ith some peppa veils at tile the conclusion of I 1 the he rally ralli all tile the students student gathered in front of th the e building and with ati the football team leading them marched arched in to the field to witness the game monroe Dec decisively isiel defeats salina tile the football contest between the alic S S 11 S and the N S H S endel ended in a decisive victory for monroe the score core being 25 0 right front from the start the little red beils were ere victorious and never neter once did the blues of the opposing team show hox signs of gaining their end guald s were nere weak and the S S H eleven x were ere not slow in fl finding id this thi with bert swam acting as the steam rollet our kicking squad earned the bill to the goal si qi times we hope for another victory next friday when alien our oui next game will nill be placed ed 0 0 I 1 redmond school I 1 0 0 friday frida afternoon the students of out oui school chool received a real scare care aben liessem a as shooks spooks and goblins tile the first graders baided each room the girls girl of our school chool are phoud to admit tint that the iliev can out tie do the bois in placing ing keep it anav ax a the bas let bill ball is used in till tins game A halloween part was enjoined by tile the seventh and eighth eight grades grade friday |