Show big bic free attracts attractions ons at state exposition I 1 il I 1 I 1 one rood turn deserves another in fihs ihs h 5 rapid fire revolving ladder stun slun by lefavor le favor and pierce who will keep thin I 1 1 from start to fl finish h m their aerial comedy act at the state fair every afternoon free to F fair visitors october I 1 to 10 Y 1 f probably the biggest and most alt tive I 1 dogram of free entertainment IT et offered in a western intern fair is slated for it tl I 1 e coming great utah state stale fair october I 1 t to 0 7 I 1 igors lots utah ia ill I 1 find nd one big biff round of 1 free lee attractions mons from morning to night or lhing never shown belore before the radio broadcasting station which will bill be bet act up p a at t ill the e f fair a ar will b be e ot of great interest to visitors isa r sm einck c c I 1 it t will 1 1 n not ot only present the best be ft entertainment in the t late date music read ing ans singing and speeches by prominent men but will show spectators how broadcasting j 11 actually done sets throughout th the stale late can tune lit and reproduce the program 17 ro 0 bil outdoor act acts s will alt take lake aiace riace every cry afternoon t aerial novelty stun is I 1 will 1 I be I 1 1 by a famous kilo nowie n pair of denal performers le favor and vair I 1 let e who c cleverness and skill at balanc log is wonderful then there will be kayo a comedy acrobat who does many ery difficult and nd amusing ain tricks lie ile act tiala err a e limbs climbs a stai stairway iway on his hi head the atuf eldous fir fireworks arks spectacle which realistically portrays portray s a battlefield io in branc ia ranee e has been al callad I 1 the h e hindenburg ime line it includes a magnia nt barrage earth rocking exi lesions lo flash fl ishino g file fe brilliant booming across the lh realistic set soldiers ert Ite sving fo forward firt fire settina aid tint bombs ambs the brilliant actie activity ity enang end ab nb with ith the dt destruction ruction of the enemy f fort ot and the lic hoisting isling tf if tic 11 e victorious am american ell can nag flag TI is wilt will take at 7 30 every eve dir arid and is as free to everybody 0 of f at statewide at e wide interest the greatest automobile bil e show how ever eer hell bell in the state stale will alt pro provide de a never ending source of entertainment contafi and n d int crest tor for here will 11 be an exhibit contain n ing the 1 lie advance model hovig how mg hundreds of new fe features tures that will it be embed ed cd in next year s cars the agricultural products manu aar u I 1 nim ails i livestock aish ab an 1 game frame and d art exhibits will be reduced on an immense scale giving more flan tl an ever be fote fore as a conception conc concar eltion lion of the states state i resources ll 11 fee il as it is 15 politic to give |