Show 00 LUNCHEON belat WEI I ATTENDED BY ITS MEMBERS welsh gleeden sing and city candidates address club JM members embers as to theia platforms the commercial club luncheons continue to be ery cry successful and this week A eek so many members came out monday to the johnston Joh naton hotel to have lunch with their fellow members that table after table had to be added to the T prepared for the club in the hotel dining room of course the entertainment committee had bad a great deal to do with this weeks success for it provided special attractions one of them was the singing by the royal roal welsh gleeden who with their director dr joseph bowen graciously conen consented ted to agne two selections and were acre received with frenetic applause so splendid in fact mas their contribution that a club member humorously remarked if they practice up a little their singing will be almost as good as the community singing of the club some compliment another attraction was provided b speeches of candidates for city offices director 11 II H petersen who presided at the luncheon introduced first F G martines Mar lines candidate for maor major on the citizens ticket to say sa buhat he is going to do if elected MS mayor or parley Magle magleby bv on the independent ticket to tell what lie he has done and W L warner nominee for four year ear term councilman to gie his ideas on city government all speakers were nvere applauded indiscriminately so none of them could loe lobe hope to be victorious when the votes notes are counted next weeks meeks luncheon will be held monday november No ember 0 9 at 12 15 sharp it at smiths cafe |