Show 0 f VENICE 0 1 0 0 lavar despain who has been herding sheep for the rickenbach brothers of 0 glenwood all summer has re turned home preparatory to going away to school miss bliss grace cowley spent the week end in ill richfield visiting friends and relatives A number 0 of the young folks entertained at a marshmallow roast saturday balm Satu day iday evening on the hanks of the river miss naomi cowley an employee of the telephone system spent thursday at home with her parents it the weather man can call keep a smiling face tor for a week the bet beet liar harest cst will practically be finished mr bir and mrs II I 11 I P buchanan of were visiting relatives and friends here on oil sunday miss irene shaw of richfield Richtie ld was the guest of miss bliss lone ione shaw S saturday adur atur sunday it was reported in last weeks reaper that the wife nife of 0 bert davis and daughter of james jackman were dead this rumor has since been proven false mrs davis had been suffering from a case of blood poisoning last friday she underwent a serious operation however tho the latest reports state that eliat sho she was doing as well as could be expected her friends dad and relatives all wish her success and a speedy recovery |