Show fk ailor T j aildred ai loring K C lean leaned leaning AND AN tress IDEAL I 1 ivi E A L tailors tailor s cleaners birchfield Bich field an preparation OUR ANNUAL BARGAIN it hagens VP every year prices on everything in stock will be reduced watch W atch for ment and hand bill k w ORANT aam lairs halls catarrh will do what we dicine Ae an claim for it rid 1 your system of catarrh or deafness caused used by catarrh sou sold by druss drug giai uti for fior 40 bears F J CHENEY CO toledo ohio GENUINE 66 sma I 1 ff L L DURHAM TOBACCO STANDARD OF THE WORLD an waa professional diree directory tory N J BATES attorney at law PETERSON BANK BUILDING richfield uth T S R GLEDHILL M A physician and surgeon commercial BANK hours a 2 to 5 phone 89 39 richfield utah J J STEINER M D physician and surgeon office over commercial BANK richfield utah PARLEY MAGLEBY attorney at law STATE BANK BUIEL BUILDING DIENG phone richfield utah W M NELSON attorney at law BANK phone 11 richfield utah DR H AVERILL optometrist and OptIc optician lan PETERSON BANK BUILDING I 1 hours 15 1 5 phone richfield utah DR J G PHYSICIAN SURGEON commercial bank richfield utah phone 47 ca the he work on the new store of 1 I A is progressing so satisfactorily that we will be able to see our mang satisfied customers in the new building for ahe ot DIG holinday LEW I 1 in the meantime we V them s service ervice W and AR prices at 4 our old stand on north main street try us and be convinced 1 l n a r TELEPHONE SEVEN ONE |