Show the reaper n s school page r P up q U 0 FROM THE OFFICE 0 0 on november the principals of the schools in sevier district will bold a meeting plans for county fair exhibits will be taken up and various reports from the different schools will be called for the extension course in educational problems is now being organ iced over forty teachers have apt plied for the course and in richfield fr f r some outside the teaching profession j are re taking the work some lenis lems in oral and silent reading are being considered first the course draws hours of college credit 0 the annual national safety con test is on some of 0 the schools of the district will probably enter here are the regulations 1 subject highway safety habits I 1 should learn length not to exceed words closing not later than december 4 1923 drawing each essay must be illustrated by an original drawing appropriate photograph or clipping from a magazine or newspaper preparation essays must be written on one side of the paper only they may be typewritten or prepared with pen and ink each essay must bear the name school and home address of the pupil in upper left hand corner of the first page essays should be handed to the school principal on or before december 4 state prizes first a gold medal and fifteen dollars second a silver medal and ten dollars third bronze medals and five dollars to a number in proportion to the states elementary school enrollment national prizes first trip to washington all expenses paid and a gold watch second gold watch third gold watch there is also a contest for teachers for the best lesson plan on teaching children habits of safety the first prize is five hundred dollars in in cash and a free trip to washington the second and third prizes are also offered any teacher wishing to enter write the superintendents office for further particulars in the opinion of many teachers the recent state convention was one of the best utah teachers have ever had every instructor brought in was a man of national reputation and every one got down to the real points of teaching over four thousand teachers attended had not only have they studied the laws of politics but they aro are now rutting putting them into use to become acquainted with tho the ways of voting to understand political parties and to know how to uso use the privileges of american citizens in voting t the lie freshmen are carrying the entire city election through they the have organized themselves into two parties the democrats and the republicans each party has chosen its candidates to represent the town offices I 1 mary lary N mattsson was chosen chairman of the republican party while elna eina anderson represents the democrats th the republican nominees are as follows mayor stanley mattsson city treasurer lynn nielson city recorder norma anderson two year councilman lacy four year councilman ned hugentobler the democrats are mayor dean jensen city treasurer lone ione christensen city recorder ada crane two year councilman harold harl harward four year councilman marion jorgensen notices of voting and election were posted in the halls on thursday on friday from 1230 to p in jewel Till ardson and ada crane registration agents registered the students of north sevier the board of election composed of judges allen alien barnard and marion jackson inspectors merril nielson and lawrence peterson clerks mada hales and pearl jensen will take charge of the election on tuesday november 6 they will give the results wednesday morning halloween pranks versus chivalry all of young salina laid siege to the fair lady teachers on the night of halloween and bombarded their round castle crane at a critical moment when their capture was a certainty the besieged made their escape by way of sliding down ropes from the back windows and dashed madly for the thornell residence where they met with enforcement re I 1 their escape was continued through back alleys and dark pas sag eways breathless hatless and trembling they arrived at the ladles ladies literary unfortunately in their mad rush lady johnstone made a raid on the burdock and was surely stuck up when she reached the safety s zone when they reached light it was discovered that lady gardens Car dons short hair stood out like the quills on a porcupine through the excitement she had witnessed their troubles were slight compared with the worry these fair damsels had of where their gallant you young n 9 blaxon haired knight pedagogue pedagogy gogu e was that he did not come to their rescue Court courtesy tsy becomes popular instead of the regular devotional d wot ional j I 1 exercises tuesday morning separate meetings were called for the boys and girls tor for the discussion of cour 1 tesy miss dean of girls in N S H S took charge of the girls meeting and each lady teacher gave a talk on some phase of the subject miss johnstone defined courtesy and asked the girls deveral questions whereupon she received favorable answers from marzell potter miss cardon explained common school courtesy table manners was discussed effectively by miss fuller and miss bates last but not least talked on street manners mr evans informed the boys at their meeting that at dances they should dance not only with the teachers but also with their wives the boys are wondering if lie meant just what he said other helpful suggestions on courtesy were given to the boys evador evandor nielson school spirit for the first time in the history of north sevier high school the seniors have planned to give talks before tho the student body the first talk was given wednesday morning in devotional by evador nielson on school spirit she brought out the idea that school spirit can be shown much better in thorough and efficient work in class and in supporting the school intelligently rather than in so much yelling and display 4 once more that delicious odor poured forth from the kitchen and found its way about the building to every starved student in north sevier high school what had happened something very important to the student who Is busy or who has a cold lunch to eat at noon miss fuller and her sophomore girls are preparing diewer every day at a small cost for students and teachers what one teacher know the other does and it seems that it take ono one long to discover what the other knows either since the teachers have returned from continued on page eight 0 additional SCHOOL NEWS 0 0 continued from page seven their convention they are tilled filled with new ideas and have been experimenting with them on the students mr evans for example has been making map drawing a specialty in review class oh the life of 0 a student is hard coach Swen sons twelfth man backed the football game between wasatch and north sevier one hundred per cent strong friday afternoon he took defeat as good edly as did the players following the game a halloween dance was given at the social hall the room was attractively decorated and the loroni orchestra furnished the mus le 0 0 T RICHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL 0 tile pep rally tuesday morning orning 31 october jofh rah rah hah rah rahl rah rah rah rah rah rah the team we thought ray nielson was going to make a change of wardrobe right on the stage but he only gave us a good up tip on the halloween dance so we could make our plans accordingly he then helped von the bellmaster yell master to inoculate the school with some life for the game that was to be played that afternoon the game was somewhat Iome what of a footrace footracer foo trace it seemed that salinas team lost its life in the first of the game and try to hold the line at all coach hanson saw an opportunity port unity to give all the substitutes a little taste of actual battle so they pile up a score of eighty four against salinas nothing danco dance wednesday Wed wednesday nesda y mischief sure is in fu the air flitting forms are everywhere around the corner in the trees theres enough buzz to make you sneeze the dance was filled with pep and speed it was a success in every way and gave a splendid illustration of senior and junior team work friday assembly and pep rally mr martin opened assembly with prayer the first numbers on the program were violin selections by max alax lloyd which were enjoyed by all the senior speech was given by melba ence her subject was lend a hand we think that some of the student foody body have already gathered cn courage irom from these speeches and actually think they might amount to something in the future it if they lend a hand immediately after the assembly mr smith told the team and all that we were going over to monroe to show them how much we loved them not to show how much we hated them then theair the air was filled with yells and rally songs and von with carrols carrels Car rols help put over the pop pep blest pep rally we have known this year gamo game and Danco at monroe did you go to the game no well let me die tell you you missed a yeal real football game that old ball was waltzed back and forth on that field till we thought it must burst with anxiety time and again it was within the ten yard line and then through some fault or another it would be taken back either by the referee or opponent finally moyle at attempted a dropkick drop kick and succeeded in his attempt which gave the rich ffield willeata Will cats eats three points and try as s they would monroe could n not ot drake on ke a score so with a three to nothing victory we celebrated with monroe at the hot springs under candle light mid a halloween air monday assembly monday morning finds our school almost on its feet again after halloween week after invocation merlin hansene gave her senior speech which was an example ot of unique criticism with a remedy we know now why birds go south in winter because they are given too strong competition when our high school la is running A member of our alumni mrs nola nilsson sang to a very appreciative audience we fuggent flug sug geat gent that more patrons visit our assemblies as they are very entertaining ta ining aa well as 13 educational 0 I 1 SOUTH SEVIER HIGH I 1 SCHOOL 0 0 richfield football gaule friday afternoon november 2nd and proved a big day for our high school we met the richfield Richtie ld high school on the football field in one of the most int interesting er esting and sensational games game s ever played in monroe the townspeople of monroe and richfield turned out in mass it was undoubtedly the largest crowd wo we have ever had at a football game it is evident that the people here are getting an acquaintance with football so that we dont need to be worried anymore because of the lack of support for this type of amusement the two teams see seemed med almost on a par when sized up from tile the sideline before the kickoff kick off the kickoff by monroe threw the game near Richt Rich ields fields goal posts to start with but the monroe INI onroe boys found themselves playing mostly on the defense from the start and throughout the first half their defense worked effectively however the richfield boys tried in vain to break through the line for a touchdown but found it impossible even though they reached monroes monroen Mon roes ten yard line several times Rich fields quarterback did good headwork in making the dropkick drop kick which gave richfield the only score made richfield made consistent gains at times by end runs and forward passes the last quarter of the game found monroe playing the offensive and some sensational gains were made bi but t the final whistle blew before they were able to score the final score was 3 to 0 in rich fields favor the lineup richfield Richtie ld monroe iroe parks parksie le L hansen kalt Soy it A baker gray graylag ig lg p F roberts Chide chidester c N webb ward mardrg rg M tuft jensen rt H L lee e e re R johnson ab H magleby johnson iab L williams sly gilb F tuft nelson fb N madsen G tuft referee peterson Pe torson lum uni pire goldbranson freshman class news who is not willing to live up to a rule that is for the best good we the freshman class met october for the purpose of listening to the rules passed by the faculty and submitted to us by senior members the rules were very reasonable and satisfactory to us all and we will obey them as laws should be obeyed we are willing to live up to any rule or receive any punishment that seems seeing necessary if the makers and enforcers of the laws will live up to this motto do unto others as you would have them do unto you 0 0 SIGURD SCHOOL 0 0 tuesday night of last week the sigurd school presented the operetta hop O il to a packed house the scenery was beautiful consisting of a black forest in germany a poor woodmans woodmass wood mans hut and the elaborate home 0 of the dreadful ogre tile the two moonlight scenes with lancing dancing and singing by twenty fairies was enjoyed by everyone the receipts which amounted to 2435 will be used tor for school equipment the third fourth fifth and sixth grades enjoyed a short but very pleasant program october 31 appropriate prop proD songs recitations and jokes were given by the various pupils candy and nuts were served by the teachers our class slogan Is punctuality and clean books in spite of 0 busy harvest time one ot of our rooms was waa per cent punctual this month 0 RICHFIELD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 0 0 R J ir rally last thursday the R J H had a rally for the school paper the go getter the members of the staff spoke mr perkins also gave a thrilling speech which got ninny many of the students to take the school paper this rally was conducted by our school president james gunn the re ile grading of tho the classes at the end of the first term the classes were re graded some of the pupils were raised a step higher and some were lowered a step but the greatest change was that which made 71 7 1 equal to S 3 this change was made for the betterment of the junior high we as pupils and teachers intend to make our school the best in the county and state i Rich fields new paper last friday the go getter published by the students of tile the richfield junior high school made its first appearance in our town though newspaper work is somewhat new to the students of the junior high this little sheet has attracted much attention by its clever jokes and spicy accounts of the happenings of the school thursday november 1 the richfield junior high had a masquerade dancing party there were various kinds of costumes worn by the pupils refreshments were served the doors opened at seven thirty p m and closed at eight thirty we were not bothered by the high school students every one enjoyed the dance very much 0 0 I 1 SAUNA SALINA GRADE SCHOOL 0 0 observe the three Ps has met the eyes of the students of the grade school of 0 salina as they entered the hall each morning for several weeks it has called forth many questions and possible ans answers finally after many attempts the mystery was solved the slogan present punctual prepared will not soon be forgotten one hundred per cent is our aim halloween was observed in our school each grade had a fitting program for the occasion the teachers entered into the tun fun with the students the program given by the seventh grade was group singing by class i the origin of halloween by muriel halloween stories by ardys I 1 burr and blanche burns readings were given by la preal albert and helen jensen group singing by class after the program a party was glyen given and light refreshments were served every even one seemed to have a very enjoyable time 0 0 f VENICE SCHOOL i 0 0 the venice school motto is cleanliness which shows on the faces of all the students the school room and the school grounds we are now keeping our motto and will do the same the rest of the school year the venice school put on a picture show two weeks ago in order to get money to buy a school play ground equipment the show was entitled miss hobbs hobba and the comedy was why lee we had a thirty seven dollar house bouse and when all |