Show labor market and women there is tit an increasing demand in england today for foi well educated and efficient bonien for work in various I 1 government go eminent departments those thoe pos possessing es degrees degree in economics mathematics and natural science being most lu n I i 1 duet Iu et advises a the ministry of food needs experienced lie fie coun tants for expert statistical wark in ili tiomi with its increasing activities tivi ties there aln rc is algo alao a growing demand for clerical workers shorthand writers and tal tz educated to lo act a aie e n also 1 so nee needed fled I 1 in anthe the auxiliary army corns comm the average ba salaries badarie larie of nonien om eni aloyed b by the government are bettex bertei that llian they AN ere cre tit at tile the beginning of the nar ir and educated and elli clent omen nomen irr ire capable of earning tit at least 15 a etl eil illious illi out difficulty dini culty |