Show IN foj ica 00 nl A L L nal ia 1 ta 0 r LEV ar 1 Z IF r 5 I 1 never neva knew the adva advantages 1 of quality millwork MiSh vork but you who have seen the advantages of well fitting doors and windows in the modern buil buildings dinas of today should insist upon high class workmanship sash doors and windows for every aery need our millwork has been carefully selected for its beauty 0 of f design as well as its well fitting qualities our stock is all cut from select and seasoned timber and our prices are right our expert building t service is for every customers benefit and will help you buy economically CITIZENS CIrI ZENS LUMBER R CO C 0 RICHFIELD UTAH HEA TF R S 1 n a j n JL A ajl U you cannot za get et the full heat value of fuel daom a poor or worn out stove we handle a line of high grade heaters that insure insure fuel economy econom ec onon and any one of them will be an ornament to your home con coin baoe ivica 1 1 11 ca ad UTAH aag Z fl n V WA Y I 1 U IV iriv r 4 D r ae s s S GAJ ism aly d s A FINE new line of dress goods has just reached us and will be offered at particularly ticul arly attractive prices for the next few days this line consists of all the fashionable materials of the season in both plain and fancy patterns shades and patterns to C amit all stylish dressers will find the seasons I 1 most popular shades well represented in this offering every woman who is figuring b on a new dress this season should i investigate these values before it is too late 4 ir ARICES PRICES THAT MAKE QUICK SALES 00 MODEL mercantile IVaCK LAli I 1 ILL COMPANY cortner B albery caf e PAUL BEUTLER proprietor in our bakery we ve use the best of flour and ingredients we lave have a skilled baker cleanliness reigns supreme androu and you get every ounce possible for your money in our restaurant we serve meals at all hours sanitation and service are watchwords here regular meals short order prices reasonable furnished rooms new and clean single beds 50 cents double beds 75 cents PHONE RICHFIELD UTAH ut ahe bh jap cipa published every saturday at rich field utah subscription rates one year 5 six months three months 50 james L ewing publisher entered at tho the POST office at richfield lUch field utah as second class mail matter malter SHERIFFS SALE in the district court of sevier county state of utah george ivory plaintiff vs A G young defendant notice of sheriffs sheriff s sale to be sold at sheriffs sale on the day of november 1917 at 2 0 clock P am M at the front door of the county court house in richfield sevier county utah the following tracts of real estate situated in sevier county utah lot 2 block 27 plat E D richfield eld townsite survey loti block 28 plat E richfield townsite survey lot 4 block ac plat B E richfield townsite survey and the N W ter of tile the S W quarter of sec G tp 24 S R 2 NV S L M dated this 26 day of october A D 1917 W S GREENWOOD 11 3 11 17 sheriff sevier county I 1 SUMMONS in the district court of the sixth judicial district in and for wayne county utah dona BL mulford plaintiff vs jseph joseph N riley defendant summons the TI state t ate of utah to said defendant you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the se service r vi ce of this summons upon you if served in the county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend tile tho above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which aas as been filed with the clerk of said court this action is brought to obtain a decree of this court tor for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage described in said complaint JOSEPH ECKERSLEY attorney for plaintiff P 0 address box 63 loa utah juba 11 3 12 f i attorney for plaintiff pl ai litiff P 0 address dom box ga loa utah 11 3 12 1 G GIL I 1 LV N MAINES TIRE P 1 CE get your stove pipe pip C stove boards shovels pokers jokers etc at gillins Gil pins our prices are right ad FOR SALE acre irrigated farm at vermilion v would trade for sheep sliced or cattle dr line Linc linebaugh baugh moroni butali 11 iliS SALU SALT in the district court of sevier savior county st state ate of uta utah 11 spaulding manufacturing company a partnership co plaintiff vs elwin elwill roundy edna J roundy and maree roundy wife of elwin elv in roundy defer cants gotico of sale of arcol estate to he be sold cold at sheriffs sale pursuant to a decree of foreclosure made hy by the said court in the above entitled cause on the alth day of september 1917 and an order of sale ealo issued thereon I 1 IV S will sell at public auction on oil satur 23 day of november 1917 at 3 0 at al 3 P of said lay day at tile front door of the county court house in richfield city sevier coun colin ty state of uh the following described real property situated in it sevier county utah viz beginning at a point 1125 chains north of the cie southeast south east corner of the northwest north west quarter of 0 the southwest south west quarter of section 14 town township hip 2 23 3 south range 2 west salt lake meridian thence north 21 rods thence east 10 rods thence south 21 rods and thence west rest 10 rods rode to place of beginning containing one and acres together with all improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging and including all water used upon or belonging to the same dated this 26 day of october A D 1917 W S GREENWOOD 11 3 3 3 1117 11 1 17 1 sheriff sevier county delinquent NOTICE there are delinquent upon the following described stock in the copper butte alining company on account of an ail assessment levied by the board of directors on the day ia of september 1917 tile the following amounts set get opposite the names of the respective shareholders 1 as follows name cerano Cert No klirs amt john R jensen 59 1000 3 john R jensen wm win T ogden 96 wm win T ogden 97 1260 wm win T ogden 1127 IV 0 B orrock SS 12 6 0 W C B orrock 2000 W C B D orrock 1550 ja james m e s A ross 11 1 1000 james A ross rosa 1921 P C nielson 2000 1000 1 P C nielson andrew dohn bohn 2560 andrew bolin bohn 23 34 1640 E eugene ugene orrock 83 eugene orrock S 83 3 eugene orrock 8 83 1 eugene orrock 83 eugene orrock 22 3 arthur shelton charles shelton ed anderson wm win J shelton wm win J shelton 1700 mcg wm will J shelton wm win J shelton 83 1 wm will J shelton soo wm J shelton 20 iga wm J shelton wm J shelton 05 wm J shelton 2 20 0 6 wm J shelton wm nim J shelton 1 ga wm win J shelton 2 18 wm J shelt n 11 wm win J shelton and in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the state bank of sevier richfield utah on the day of december 1917 at 12 noon to pay the delinquent q ent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and e ex pense of sale GEO H OGDEN 1110 11 10 1124 11 24 secy treas NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of james A ross deceased notice is cereby nereby given by the un der signed executors of the estate of james A ross deceased to the creditors of and all person having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the he nece necessary ssan vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said executors at the residence of john A parker at joseph in the county of sevier state of utah dated november esth 1917 A E mcmullen JOHN A PARKER executors of the estate of james A ross deceased 1110 11 10 12 1 me A d v va br t I 1 e d A is r C ite is is one in in which the merchant himself has implicit f faith ith else he will not advertise it you are safe in patronizing the merchants whose ads appear in this paper because the their ir goods are up to date and not shop worn kw doan s kidney pills 0 same eba mrs hallows had poster co Buff butco Llo N Y I 1 4 classified COLUMN A e ay rt cary ipp biu ama I 1 have one second lia haan hadn dil delaval separator lbs ibs cap will sell on trial and guarantee to bo be in first tir st dabs class condition price right x JOHN christensen CO POUND lound A now new suit of clothes on state road between richfield and glenwood onwood Gl owner can have same by applying to ba M F meacham richfield and paying for this ad FOR SALE modern home at a bargain A block nort of second ward chapel 8 rooms pantry and bathroom michael nielson Nic lsen 10 i SELL my house and lot in richfield therefore will vill let them go mighty cheap write earl thompson vernal utah 1013 1011 10 13 11 11 4 call john stewart St phone 1 13 r ra for brick at glenwood we want your old and crippled cows or horses good prices paid telephone 15 central utah trout co prank frank J heppler eppler II mgr 7 FOR SALE CHEAP 40 acres of good meadow and pasture land see frank J heppler for price and particulars tic ulars S 11 tf FOR SALE four good homes in richfield an opportunity to get a home ionic to suit your needs at a reasonable price apply L 1 L graham at richfield furniture store 9 tile the highest price paid for your old workout or crippled horses or cows positively it no diseased dead animals will be bought phone 1681 or tue i H ford fisheries 2 17 t tf SALESMAN AlAN WANTED we alle want a reliable man mail to sell our domestic and veterinary medicines flavoring extracts spices toilet articles baking powder dips soaps perfumes and other household necessities to the farmers in this county goods are well known in the territory and a steady hustler is sure to enjoy a profitable I 1 us ess 1 I 1 experience while desirable is not essential to success mcconnon company winona minn 10 1013 1 13 1 1 3 1 S STOP T 0 P throwing away your old tires two of them make one good one by having them sewed together lt the by uj ILIC RICHFIELD vulcanizing VULCAN IZING WORKS RE TREADING OUR SPECIALTY R H greenim Gree greenwood rim telephone IGI richfield utah the only lock stitch tire stitching Sti thing machine in richfield b THE WEAR TELLS T h rt R t a c IU B a r b e r 3 h cit im F opposite tabernacle particular shop for particular people exclusive agents for or the celebrated shot hair tonic guaranteed to remove dandruff relieve itching and to restore color to gray hair scissors ground 10 cents POULSON GOODIN props an i r u g company drugs medicines sundries es fishing tackle stationery stationer y eta BEAN HUNT attorneys at law commercial saving i bank richfield utah J I 1 CURTIS C U R T I 1 S D V M veterinary surgeon DEPUTY STATE veterinarian V phone 36 richfield utah PARLEY MAGLEBY MAG LEBY attorney at law peterson Pc terson bank building richfield utah DR L W JENSEN vermilion friday and sunday elsinore Els lnore mon blon wed and sat phone monroe utah D DR R R G C CLARK L A R ak physician and surgeon peterson Pe torson bank richfield ALFRED J BIRDS ir J real estate agent if you have lands or homes for sale seo see me at the state bank richfield utah FRANX FRANK G CALLAWAY tuner of piano and reed organ also player repairing 11 work guaranteed factory chickering sons boston mass blass phone richfield utah J J STEINER M D physician and surgeon office over commercial bank phone 47 richfield utah T R GLEDHILL M D physician and surgeon office over peterson Pe torson bank hours 2 to 5 phone 39 richfield utah DR L jj WHITING VE veterinary phone monroe utah DR J J BUSWELL ophthalmic specialist Spec LaUst graduate mIcks college of ophthalmology chicago S 1115 3rd ard avenue salt lake city E E HOFFMANN attorney at law commercial bank telephone 11 w richfield utah SHOE SHOD REPAIRING Y Vs 1 block west of corn com bank work neatly done prices reasonable G kramar bramer richfield utah JOHN ANDERSON notary public at the anderson auto co richfield utah N J BATES attorney it at law office peterson bank building richfield utah experience ex tile the arest teacher it is generally admitted that experience peri ence is the best teacher but should we not make use of tile the experience peri ence of others as well as our own the experience of a thousand persons is more to bo be depended upon than that of one individual many thousands of persons have use chamberlains cough remedy fcc coughs and colds with the be best s re suits which shows it ib to be a thoroughly thoi reliable preparation for those Is diseases try it it is prompt and effectual and pleasant to take 4 f fi t tv 4 ED J ail odian opposite tabernacle phone people speak well veil of chamberlains tablets 1 I have bee been selling chamberlains tablets for about two years yeara and have heard such good reports from my customers that I 1 concluded to 1 give them thein a trial myself and can say that I 1 do not belleve believe there is another preparation of the kind equal to them writes Q G A mcbryde headford Head word with ont if you are t ro ab gl indigestion or con constipation constipate 9 them a atrial trial they will do you sow |