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Show UTAH AHDJJTAHHS- The Oregon Short Line has been sued by a Sinlthfield seed cumpauy fur $155.5.'), alleged damages on a carload of potatoes while in transit to Okla-hnnut, Okla-hnnut, the complaint charging that tin; potatoes rolled as a result of delay in transit. Five switchmen bound over to the federal grand Jury on the charge of violating the transportation and Lever acts during the recent strike nt Halt Lake, have furnished bonds anil have been released from jail, pending trial. Merchants declare that because sugar took a leap skyward in price, many of their customers have become unnecessarily unneces-sarily alarmed over the flour situation and are buying flour in epiantities sufficient suf-ficient to last them for years. The management of the state fair having decided to have a baby show for babies under one year at the fair this full, Utah mothers will have an opportunity to discover which of the cherubs is the most handsome. William ISrown and William Bley were seriously injured when a speedet which they were rifling jumped the truck near Salt Lake, Bley having half of his scalp torn off, and. Brown suffering a broken leg. Loitering on the streets and in doorways door-ways in Salt Lake has been put under t lie ban by officials in an endeavor to curtail vice, while it is announced that "mashers" will be taken into custody and given the limit. An automobile stolen from an Ogden resident has been recovered at a point 25 miles east of Evanston, Wyo., where it had been abandoned by the thieves, stuck in the mud and out of gasoline and oil. The Ogden city school kite tournament, tourna-ment, held Sunday at Monroe park, attracted at-tracted attention of a large crowd of spectators when fifty contestants, with vari-eolored kites, competed for honors. Mere than a million dollars will be expended in Ogden within the next feV months on three new buildings, the Central Junior high school, the Weber gymnasium and an apartment house. A. C. Gartman, owner of extensive real estate in Salt Lake, who disappeared disap-peared last December, has filially been located in Michigan. It had been feared that he bad met with foul play. The annual "A" day exercises at the Agricultural college at Logan were car ried out on May 7, with numerous activities ac-tivities on the lawns of the college and In the chapel assembly. The entire townsite of Soldier Summit, Sum-mit, a new town en the Denver & Rio Grande, is to be sold at auction, in an endeavor to assist in the upbuilding upbuild-ing of that community. Bonas Toni, a Mexican sheepherder, was fined $50 and costs at Ogden for setting a forest fire, marking the first arrest of the season for violation of the forest service law. The main county road through Spanish Span-ish Fork canyon, which has been impassable im-passable for the past month on account of landslides and washouts, is now open to the public. The city of Murray has applied to the public utilities commission for an Order to require the Salt Lake lt.oute to construct a viaduct over its tracks fit that place. Excellent records are being made by the US partially disabled men who are .taking vocational training in the Utah Agricultural college at Logan, it is announced. an-nounced. The Wasatch county assessor, in ins report to the state board of equalization, equaliza-tion, has shown a valuation of $4,093.-245, $4,093.-245, or practically the same as last year. Don Christensen, aged 4, while playing in the street at Salt Lake, was struck by a bicycle and so seriously serious-ly injured that his recovery is doubtful. doubt-ful. Twenty-four It. O. T. C. members of the Ogden high school have been selected se-lected to attend the reserve officers' training corps at Camp Kearny, Cal. About tSOOO children are expected to take part in the flower and song festival fes-tival to be held in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake Sunday, June 20. The office of the secretary of state has already issued something like 82.500 licenses .for automobiles for the present year in Utah. Henry Olson, aged C2. has been arrested at Salt Lake on the charge of making beer and selling it at 50 cents a bottle. Sale of the S1S0.0OO bonds recently issued at Brighara City hits been set aside, because of a question of their legality. A lighting system of intense brilliancy bril-liancy lias just been installed on the Agricultural college campus at Logan. The state convention of the posts or the American Legion will be held in Ogden. May 31, June 1 and 2. The people of Mantua have voted $14.i)00 bonds for the installation of a waterworks system. The deputy sheriff-' stationed in Bingham are still rounding up Industrial Indus-trial Workers of the World organizers. This work began when the plot for a strike was discovered the latter part of April anil the deputies working on the case have made several arrests. Leigh Slieniuin. whose disappearance disappear-ance from Ogden caused officials to believe that lie had been robbed and j murdered and his body thrown in the j river, lias ivapp"ared .-it hi- homo and admit ted lie had eloped with brother's wife. !le is in jail awaiting an in. c: ga I :on. |