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Show NEED OF AXTI-STKIKE LAW. The recent railroad strike demonstrates demon-strates the seriousness of the mistake mis-take in failing to enact the Anti-S Anti-S -rike CI; ase of the Railroad Bill. 'I he Ami-Strike Clause of the Rail-read Rail-read Hill was not an attack upon any particular class of interest it was a", endeavor to protect the public 1 welfare against any and every at- T . in jit to promote selfish interest at t'-e sacrifice of the welfare of all. It was not an attempt to forbid nay employee, whether on a railroad j or not. to c.ait his employment at anv fi-.ie for any cause. The only pur- pose was to forbid a conspiracy on ' tae part ef any two or more persons --employers r employees to in-t'-rteiv wish inter-s'ate commerce. If that provision had been retain-' el in the P.ill as it was passed through the Senate, there would now be a rea ly and adequate means of, punishing those who are endanger- j ing the public peace, health and safety by conspiring to hold up traf-i fie in the necessities of life. j |