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Show Sure Relief mfiif3V I L-AY-. Hot water fCjTZZW Sure Relief P ELL-ARTS taFOR INDIGESTION Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity skin comfort com-fort and skin" health. . No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles ainca 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on Tor7 bos aad occopt bo imitation Measure Your Irrigation Watei ((evens Type L, water Level Recorder and Flow Mela Will record water heights and measure the flow Price of Recorder $37.50. Write for Particular! LEUPOLD VOELPEL & COMPANY Portland, Oregon. (' y- .-f'V'''"""'" ?'-'''rvs'-'l -"'J Don't Wait to Be Hiiioiis Keep well. Whenever your appetite begins to flag, or a sour stomach and jf7'f a coated tongue m -rf"W? Lltfle l.iver AK?$ ITXHI Pills and the 'A U trouble will C, JFILJJb Good for man, woman and child. For your health's sake stick to this old. tried and true remedy. Purely vegetable. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IKON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Genuine al bear sfonalnre S&a&ct, Are You Interested fn Good, Dividend Paying Oil Securities? If You are interostr.i and will talto nbout ir,e hour of your lime to compile a lint of .00 n;im-H of ic-opln In your vicinity whom you believe woulI hI-jo bo lni en-sti'il in k'1, wound, cHHh (lfvlnVnrl paying "II fs--MjrlUer, YOU will recive from u five Mi;. r-n of $1.00 Par DIvMr-nd Pnrllr :p,'it in ftock for your work. Mall your list of, names to u." Special DHIvory. TWIN CITIES INVESTMENT COWAN'S 212Va Main Strpt Fort VtWtlr, Tcvni E ly" PARKER'S " f r&OV-J HAIR BALSAM I Xr f' jitomovnindnilf SuiisHnirl-idlInc 1' VI'v't" 1 Rettorea Color and KXh Bcautyto Croy and Pudd Heir i'JC. nmi $!.0al firm-:::.' tft. IlfTnoves C'rni, CM-j mnn a walking cav. l!.c hy ijihH or (it, I'ruu-j CisLb. Hjsc&i tliKmlcaj Works, i'atctiuijU'J, li. V. 4 ! LOOK: f'.r-Ttt opj.nrt un it y fm- yu H'h'-r as j m.-t tin f :ic: u r- r or fa sin:' p. All ra : i v-- o.sitl'.n. J,-::t.-r M. ;:.ib-r. Tim n.-rv'll". Va. ! 1 MI'EItl K( T NOi:s ( OH KK( TEI; scfim. : uTiaMp'.x piln, iv '-'.--a, phnpl'-.. iirs. wrln- 1 l:l-s imiiovhI. A 'I '1 i'-:-n W. :;ill-y, L'LT. Krn- i p:i" l;iL-, I iifiV" r. folo. S-amp lic-T-ature. : PJlTPfJTQ "t""" F.CoIomnn, I I W I'tttont Lawyer, Wash, iiKwn, " " " w 1.U. AilvicoaDd book frno! I Hcab reasonable. bust referoncBa. itesi.s.jrvir'.H. |