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Show FARMER'S WIFE TOO 1LLT0 WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly lia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Veg-etable Compound. Kasota, Minn. ""I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has dona PllpyPlilliiPl more for me than llll&il! anything else, and I My tjfHjLP 'had the best physi- f cwn nera- I was s 1 ij wt-ak and nervous O f that I could not do k my work and suf-'MW!iS5TO,wS suf-'MW!iS5TO,wS fered with pains low iPfuff down in my right A s'e fr a year or ' more- 1 took Lydia ' ' ' lAXLlI Pinkham's Vegetable Vege-table Compound, and now I feel like a different person. I believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vege-table Compound for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, lor i Know it win qo an ana much more than it is claimed to do." Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple-crest Maple-crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those. distressing dis-tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore re-store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are constantly con-stantly publishing in the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegeta-ble Compound will help you.write to Lydia E.PinkhamMedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass., for advice. ad-vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. HOWARD E. BURTON ASScAHYEEMR,s,i Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, SI ; Gold, Silver, 75c ;Gold,50c: Zinc or copper.Sl. Mailing enrelopesand full price list sent on application. Leadvllle, Colo. Ref. Carbonate Nat. Bank. When all others fail to pleas Try Denison's Coffee. Building . Master Men Potash, sodium, lime and iron are some of the vital mineral salts necessary to proper nourishment of muscle, mus-cle, brain and nerves, but are not found in proper abundance abund-ance in white bread and many other foods. Grape-Nuts made from whole wheat and malted barley richly supplies these needed mineral min-eral elements and is a delicious deli-cious dish served with cream or rich milk. Grape-Nuts food is splendid splen-did for brain workers, and ideal for school children. Being partially pre-digesfed, it is quickly absorbed by the system going directly to the up-building of sinew, brain and nerves without overloading overload-ing the stomach. "There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has heen in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per--jV-- Bonal supervision since its infancy. -i&7cJuyZC Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Tust-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria- Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Pare-goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleajsant. 14 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia substance. Its age is its g-narantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years i has been in constant usa for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Vind Colic, all Teething: Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CASTORIA ALWAYS yOBeara the Signature of .macxt In Use For Over 30 Years Tha Kind You Have Always Bought THK eCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Emmwm!WV n.mujim w'"'um wwwwmRjB:WA,.l.-ll.HJi TfnSS iy J-J.j-.t .....i v..j.. ,. m... x FACE BATHING WITH Cuticura Soap Most Soothing to Sensitive Sen-sitive Skins. Trial Free. Especially when preceded by little touches, of Cuticura Ointment to red, rough, itching and pimply surfaces. Nothing, better for the skin, scalp, hair and hands than these super-creamy super-creamy emollients. Why not look your best as to your hair and skin? Sample each free by mail with book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. When all others fail to please ' Try Denison's Coffee. Telephone lines are to be extended to Tromsoe, Norway, 200 miles north of the arctic circle. (fib fccW"Tl enera' Zlft- Why tend your y J ' 5yi5ifay - money .way for r?l.-s'L-'' "brnin roofing" . V 'v! V' '" 1 " '" tho belt roofing .t v3 r..ionabl. price of your 1 tiijflr own loc.l dealer whom you know? Certain-teed Roofing la guaranteed in writing 5 years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply, and 15 years for 3-ply, and the responsibility of our biff mills stands behind this guarantee. Its quality is the highest and its price the most reaiionable. General Roofing Mfg. Company World's largest manufacturers of Roofing and Untitling Papers NewTirk City Boiten Chicr PHt.banfc Philadelphia Atlanta Cleveland Detroit St. Lonis Cincinnati Kama City Minneapo.it Sa Franeiico Seattle London Hambarg Sydney VIRGINIA FARMS and TIMBER LANDS Improved and unimproved. $5 dn 3CT' and Up Rich lands, heavy crop, healthy climate, happy farmers. Colonial homes. Catalogue free. B. T. WATKINS & COv INC., 23 North Ninlb St., Richmond, Va W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 39-1915. WHY lfil famous J?y 1:11 PASTRY M7Jpi COOKS USE .Jtflfcr 'W Baring Powder The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants are exacting exact-ing they demand the best. Women go where the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and biscuits when fresh and moist and light The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results are certain; every time everything is as good as his best . Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as needed so thr.t every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet the rfZZFT? kst he bakes are just as good as the first '&Wk The reasons behind these reasons is that K C is I vT-fti rea"ya blend of two baking powders. One commences flAV-i to fiive off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The vWmJ other requires both moisture and heat to make it :$8&d$rb active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially 'YirW leavened condition for hours, and when put in the oven, IjjjSrj! wil1 corne up as light as if mixed a moment before. RCHfe For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and tho like, - XilJi which cannot all be baked at once, K C is indispensa-bte. indispensa-bte. For all baking thedoubleraise makes doubly certain, ;p?ySy Follow the example of the professional ra cook and your baking will be equal to hit. |