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Show Basket Ball Still in the Limelight. Tne basket bail season locally is to inu uu this, Friday, evening, in a b;uze uf felon (?) with a double header at the Armory, in oiie game oi wnien at least devotees of the s,,rt ire to Sw'e.n ictionsjmj of ihe i.riglnesi siars of local basketball-duin. basketball-duin. One game i tne double header head-er is 10 be uetwee.l the riin School and vVasatcn Acaiemy teams. It is t.e last of me eri s olfive played by tne two teams. The other is to be between a team composed of the gentlemen school teachers of the town and anomer selected from the business men of the place. This last noted affair promises some rich, rare and racy fun for thuse who see it; in fact other games of the winter tnat have seemed fast and interesting will pale into incipid insignificance and the attendant spirit and excitement of those common com-mon place contests will be as the blackest of soot compared to fluffly, flaky crystals of snow, when sized up against the speed and action of this game and the thundering plaudits of the multitudes who will be assembled assem-bled to witness it (another ?). That may ring somewhat extravagantly to the uninitiated, but if the reader will pause a moment in his mad scramble down this column in search of details of this awful carnival of fury, and scru tinize this list of names which comprises the many bright luminaries that are to permit their luminous and effulgent rays to spread themselves over the landscape during the progress of this athletic event extraordinary, he will see at a glance that its all siraignt goods. The list: Pedagogues: .Messrs Jensen, Madden, Mad-den, Boyden, Bywater, Stewart of the High Kchool, Wyatt, Johns, Wood of Wasatch, Rasmussen and Faux of the Puolic Schools. Business Men: A. L. Stout, L. P. Vickers, Orange Aldi icli, C. H. Den-halter, Den-halter, George Peterson, Deun Scho-field, Scho-field, Joseph Lund, H. LeRoy Neil-son, Neil-son, Wilford Larsen, Wm. Hansen. It will be noted that there are ten players provided for each side. The idea is not to play them all at once, as some might suppose but it is thought they might all come in handy before the game ends, so all are to be present en costume. The referees, timekeepers.sponge, water and tuwelmen and alt other neces-'fjry neces-'fjry accessaries are to be selected -t the ringside, as their selection before be-fore might lead to undesirable complications. com-plications. Don't you think you ought to see this affair. You are invited and will be welcome. A skating party given by the High School is to follow fol-low the opening skirmishes. |