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Show CONGRESS TAKES HOLIDAHECESS FIVE SUPPLY BILLS PASSED BY HOUSE IN THREE WEEKS, BREAKING RECORD. Railroad Legislation Failed to Get Much Attention. National Prohibition Prohibi-tion Constitutional Amendment Reported Favorably. Washington. Congress adjourned Friday for the Christmas holidays to reconvene January 2. In the three weeks of the session the house passed five government supply measures the urgent deficiency; legislative; Indian; District of Columbia, and diplomatic and consular appropriation bills more than ever were passed before in thfe brief period pending a holiday recess. re-cess. One of the bills, the urgent deficiency, defici-ency, has passed the senate. Railroad legislation failed to get much attention in either branch. The house commerce committee decided to await initiative action in the senate, sen-ate, where (beginning January 2, the senate commerce committee will hold hearings on the proposed railroad arbitration ar-bitration measure and the bill authorizing author-izing the president to take over the railroad, telephone aDd telegraph lines in case of military necessity. At the conclusion of the hearings, the railroad measures in some form will be pressed as amendments to the pending bill to enlarge the interstate commerce commission. Efforts to extend ex-tend for one year the life of the joint commission investigating railroad problems were checked in the house to be renewed immediately after the holidays. . The senate passed the immigration bill with its literacy test provision and it now is in conference. The senate also began consideration of the District Dis-trict of Columbia prohibition bill and fixed January 9 for a vote. The national prohibition constitutional constitu-tional amendment was reported favorably favor-ably from the judiciary committee in each house. House committees also reported the Borland food investigation with a favorable fa-vorable resolution and the Susan B. Anthony constitutional amendment for woman suffrage, without recommendation. recom-mendation. Neither resolution advanced ad-vanced to consideration in the house. |