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Show 1 QuaVv MavVe 1 "What the Market Affords" Our motto J We have just stocked our if I store with a complete line I : fs of Groceries. All iresh- All 1 B new and first quality. P j Fruits, Prdouce and Meats will be our Hobby, jjff fJ Give us a call for anything you need. We have fjt pi the Goods. . v ' !f p QUALITY MARKET ff Christensen s old stand. P . C. H. Eatinger, Prop. jj W We have shoes of character and reputa. w lion. Shoes that we can stand behind X an3 guarantee-satisfaction to the wear- 'f er Such known brands as Zulick shoe T for children, Star brand and DuttenhoL T l t er for ladies and CrosSitts Star brand T and Napatan for men, 29 stores all buying the same line of shoes direct from the manufact- urers means great price concessions anc special discounts. 29 stores all selling for-cash means smaller profits. You get the benefit. far v ' J V Babys soft soles 2o c Childs stiff sole shoes 49c J Misses and Boys shoes 98 cents and up 'fS Ladies shoes regular 2.50 value $1.98 Men's dress shoes reg. $2.50 value $1.98 A, " " " 3.00 " 2.49 " " " " 3.00 " 2.4) i Men's work shoes reg. 2.50 '' 1.93 " " " " 3.50 " 2.98 " " " " 3.00 ' 2.49 " " " " 4.00 " 3.35 'v ,4, "Nap a tan" " 3.50;" 2.98 " high top " " 4.50 " 3.98 V Men's kigh top shoes regular $6.00 value $4.98 4- Cbc Golden Rule Store OPERATORS OF 29 BUSY STORES Originators of Low Prices. Mt- feasant Utah fir, ' ' ' 1 Do you know that more real dang' er lurks in a common cold than in anv other of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable relia-ble preparation, and rid vourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is for sale by All Dealers. ' HOTEL FOR SALE. The Brown Hotel, (old Nielson House) is for sale. This property must be sold at once. Here is a chance to get a bargain. Call on the undersigned for particulars. (Dated Feb. 1, 1912.) Ferdinand Ericksen. I 50O PIECES I of beautiful decorated dishes, glass and china, q on our Bargain Counter at 5 and 10 cents less than half cost. fcj cij J ust unpacked a beautiful line of skirts and silk waists, jj The latest up to date styles are shown, in this line. r: The prices are at least 25 per cent less than last year. j Is 8 20 Ladies winter coats at 12 price is 30 Misses " " " " " Best bargains of the season at k g WASATCH MER. CO, 1 Something I do without Medicine or Surgery ' I cure Blindness, sore ferent parts of the body eyes of all descriptions, v . St. vitis dance, fits, par- Rheumatism and Neu- - ; . aetic strokes, painful - raligy, stomach trouble . periods, and delayed & heart, kidney and Liv- . x , . , , ,, , . - ' - l i peno&s, and ail female -Mp q er troubles, dizziness, ' c5 cgJ ' ' troubles, and all other "rp headache impure blood , cgv : ' so called incurable dis- appendicitis in its first ' ' ' g CP i . eases of the human '' stage, Cancers and Tu- Q, mors, lameness in dif- u famY- CS J P. PEDERSEN. Magnetic Healer rS" 1 Morr.nl l'l:ih. !''. 0 C Lake Shore, Utah. For the ln-nr fit my siilli-riMK Irioiitls I (So Sept 6 ' A. sul mil. tlu- full .vvnili lr .i i bl len I ii m c-i) (V ' ' V r ' l.hnl ihcy ii nv liiimv thni ilh in llu-ir ej) C For four years our daughter ,-, i, is iici. iur suiu rim; luiiinuiiiy o?- was afflicted with diseased eves 1 ",li"n ""' '"""""v A She was a pitiful sight. Her There are many other tcs- f.rXr 4f eyebrows were totally gone and ,. u ; " 1 ! -i-i 1 cr.-w w..rs J& the red of tne sockets showed, timomes which can be giv- :U1(1 , ,ny r Uy u,t loclay she is perfectly well and en of the wonderful treat- M ii, i nine ivi-, -1,110.1 in Mr. .i. r. Q and her evebrows are restored. ivi.-r-..n. M.n-'iir ii,m1, r nn.i Us first 5L She was cured by J. P. PEDER- ment of Mr. J. P. Pedersen. XT-0X' A f SEN, Magnetic Healer i.i one My imnKhier s t n i: .-n down with in- Sf? treatment and one glass of mag nameiory rt.cnmmiMn ami suifcrcd G , " ' Broitt imlns bill she was -ireI in two (j, netized water. - - - ,n;:li,ci,t.s. . p g? Sarah and David Hot?on. ' ' ivlcr j. v"ZTZm,,x. nBh. 'S5 Method of Treatment - ff' I use Prof. Weltmer's, Prof. Murphy's, Prof. Manare's and Carl Hansen's methods Jt) of treatment and also by the method of Machan.no Therapy and also my natural gift (5? of healing. If your eyes trouble you try my method of treatment and note the change' J at once. J. P. PEDERSEN, Magnetic Healer. Sj cM - Corner of 1st North and 2nd East St. Np MOUNT PLEASANT, UTAH. C- 1 block East of High School. Hp i |