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Show I Kft? giber bood News I iU. if Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Broadhurst are 1 visitors in Zion for a few days. The Misses Valentine Larsen and Stella Olson have been home a few days from Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Scofield entertained enter-tained a number of friends at their home Sunday evening. Bill Brewer left for the west desprt Tuesday. Bill is too ambicious to be idle all the time. George Ronald Nielson, Pearley Johnson and Alfred Nielson have j been going the dizzy route in Salt, Lake for the past week. J. C. Lovell, wfio has been spending spend-ing several months visiting with the family of his uncle, B. F. Lovell, re- j turned to his home in Kansas Tues- day. Judge A. N. Cherry of Gunnison stopped off herp a few days to visit i with the family of J. W. Gherry. j The Judge was on his way to Zion. Mrs. L. T. Winters has spent the ' past two weeks in Castle Dale, Price, Castle Gate and Provo. She is back again at her old stand in the Sanpete. Waltir Jarre", mayor of Bark Rock has been a business visitor in Mount Pleasant during the week. J. Con Brotherson of this city and Miss Vay Allred of Spring City were married last week at Manti. The young folks are busy these days receiving re-ceiving congratulaiions. W. D. Musig and family are up from Sterling on a Visit to friends and relatives. RasFrandsen returned to his home in Idaho last Friday after several weeks visit here with friends and relatives. Mr Frandsen stated that he had had the best time of his life. Joseph Monsen has been spending part of the week at Provo. visiting with his son Ray. The Twentieth Century club held their annual ball Wednesday evening even-ing at Armory Hall. It was a social success in every way, all having attended at-tended report a good time. The hall was artistically decorated. J. Hanks, who unfortunatojy lost both eyes and hands in a mine explosion ex-plosion in Nephi several years ago, will lecture in t he South Ward meetinghouse meet-inghouse next Sunday evening. Itis requested that all that can, attend. Henry Witenburg of Ilamilon, . Ohio, nephew of G. W. Brand arrived arriv-ed in this city Monday. If this section sec-tion of country is found to meet with the voung man's liking he will make Mount Pleasant his home. 47 Embroidery, skirt length, ten different patterns 70c at Progress. Frank Olsen of Chester and Leo O.'sen of this city left for Idaho the fore part of the week. Get your new dress for the Gover-onr's Gover-onr's reception at The Progress. Judge Ericksen has been a business visitor in Richfield this week. See the first showing of dress goods at the Progress. Ras Rasmussen has been a Mant visitor during the week. See our new soft shirts with outing out-ing collars, they are new. Sanpete. Arth Rasmussen went to Salt Lake Wednesday where he will probably spend the summer. Don't .forget those new spring suits for ladies at the Sanpete. P. J. Tviliing has received a carload car-load of coal that he will sell at a bargain. We are going thru our shoe stock, cutting and slashing prices on almost every pair, Try us for a good pair of shoes at greatly reduced prices The Sanpete. A. D. Sutton has this week become half owner in the popular play house known as the Melba theatre, having purchased the interests of William Matson. It is the intentions of Messrs Purrington and Sutton to, make the show better than ever, if such a thing is possible. New Spring line of men's and bovs shirts just arrived at the Sanpete,h c The stockholders of the Tw.d j Creek Irrigation Co. will hold their ; annual meeting Feb 12, 1912, at 2 o'clock p, m.,at the City Hall, election elect-ion of officers and other matters of interest to the stockholds will be the order of the meeting. I' For a sprain vou will find Cnam-! Cnam-! be-ilain's Liniment excellent. It al lays the pain, removes the soreness and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent botties for sale by All Dealers. |