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Show Deafness Cannot Be Cured ,,. anpllcntlona, as thfy cannot ruuch M pmllon "f h " Thro la lb' '0 way' to cw .L afiwas. and thai Is ""-onitltuitonnl ri'in.dl.'a. Uruftit-aa la A tiv an Inflamed ciwitlttltm of the mu-c mu-c ilnln of Hits Kualuolii.ili Tubf. When 'it'. ! lube ! Inflamud you h..v.. a rumbling t" j fir inuifrffct hfiulnK. and wlion It la "Virilv cloaftl. IVnrnvaa la tin- result, anil i . the inflammation can be taken out a i ihli tube reBlored to Ita normal condl- K..nrlnK will be destroyed forever; nine 10". out of ten are can jed by Catarrh, hlch l nothlnif but an Inflamed condition t the mucous aurfacea. w will Rtve Hundred rtollara for any of Deafness (cauaed by catarrh) that ooot be cured by Hall'a Caturrh Cur. JLl for clrculara, free. j J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. Ohio, told by Dni(f(tl"t. 76c fill Hall'a Family Pill for conatlpatlon. i m i ! i !" " "ii 1 1 iiiai,-":"""1"""""' -I That is Death rs laundry on beat D1 t where I ' - else? Bring or send your laundry to us, and when we return it to you it will be spotless in its purity. Our use of soft wa-' wa-' ter prevents any injury in-jury to your clothing. cloth-ing. Troy Umiw Mt. Pleasant, Utah Ejunmi uaimmiwwit tMLMuwmjw, mm mi HIT' If.'iWIila A Fine Line of New Wall Paper For Everyone at the CONSOLIDATED FURNITURE CO. i it ihl ajaa. iMa'JM'MMti PJinwiMllJiltMaiai M GLASS FACTORY IN MOUNT PLEASANT Lenses of Superior quality and workmanship made by me for all defects of the eye requiring re-quiring glasses, cost you no more than work of an inferior grade. Any lens duplicated frames repaired, Perfectly, Promptly, and Practically. Dr. E. G. MILLS rj.aiin,,,.,. f'ttO &..b..- .,..iCTifl G. F. Bohne. Sanitary Plumber and Tinner. Mt. Pleasant, :-: Utah J. W. CHERRY Attorney-at-Law. Office in Lamont Building Telephone No. 4 6. Mt. Pleasant, :-: :-: Utah DR. D. D. TEBBS DENTIST Second Floor Wasatch Huildinft Mt. Pleasant :-: Utah Specialty Diseases of Women and Children. Graduate Nurse in Attendance DR. WESLEY A. KOCH Office Hours: Phone No. 61. 8"11 a. m. 2-5, 7-8 p. m. Moroni Ut. Sundays by appointment only. J. C. STOCKS, M. D. ' 1 Ph5ician and Surgeon Office: FT Ericksen's Residence Hours: 1 to 5 p. in. ! Phone No. II Mi. Pleasant :-: Utah ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW in the Classified Ads. Read tbem and ke your choice. OR. R- A. BURCH DENTIST Over Weecli Drug Store Mt. Pleasant :- utab J. E. LARSEN WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER ALSO ENGRAVER. All Work Guaranteed fliili ii...juni.a!p.i li"ji u. .JJ. JJj(S,ji.i j yiUlMO..aS'at'.lAtpi-a.ti.V-l-llua ' MIMJ.JI im mi lil.sl Ul" '' m- U. y-ayya I a il U ail H al B j i j ! : Soon they'll be here and with them will i ! come wants for SHOES, STOCKINGS, fj DRESSES, BOY'S SUITS, EXTRA . PANTS, etc. I Is You get a choice selection of these goods. at prices that make them worth your p while. t 1 BOY'S SUITS p are particularly low priced as we have a I H number, in all sizes, that we are closing out regardless of cost. Ii v L I Xh Gifi Sreen Stamps j l ' i En 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 mi 1 ill ji .jjl Ul 11 1 11 1. 1 I 1 I .j-L !J.U l.i',.-. ih I .JT " " i """ "tw".!'t.ii '"iiiwaanij naj U 1 tf,riiiiian MiwflTTWillfraSyiF:W?- -.iSiXti i'ja&iiuxtiS!!- JiAi-jLLM k ,, .,M, iimmm ..namuiit ' 'r'" 1 " OT.,.w--H.,,JyJij I SWWir!tIWtW''''' wailj-aaw .l.ll.i...l rya. ,. ,,.,-, .irmr fi--- ' -Kafaiag D YOU lnmm YOUR G13EICT I SUIT HADE mWT. PLESM1Y? ; . (j Business during the hot weather is pretty dull. You know it is ' hard to think about Overcoats and Winter Clothes when it is 90 degrees in the shade. Yet in another month an Overcoat will be quite comfort- U able in the evenings. . U If vou will order those Winter clothes now during the dull times we will make you a very attractive price. U Home made clothes are the best. We will baste the garment and r II try them before we sew them so that you are absolutely Fsure of a first jr." " E.U j class fit. : I ! Prices For A Few Days $20.00 Home Tailored Suits and Overcoats For $15.00 $25.00 " 1 " " " " " $19 j j $27.50 " " " " " . " $20 I . $30 " " " " " " $22.50 l $35 " " ' " " " " $26.50 ; Extra Pants for $4, $5, $6, and $7. If! M PIRTElRREWi . Merchant Tailor - - - - Mount Pleasant, Utah. U pj twMPi'.n " nm9n9 i I il i i i I 'I I I TT-1 I II I III I i I III II Mil i 1 1 I 1 1 Ii w i ! n in T rr v:f" 1 1 J" V'A tt wrf yIL'jii wwi- i. r-1 ii i -1 - -"r- - - ii -fr" (flHitf-H V |