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Show The Misses Tina Ericksen and El-ma El-ma Noland entertained for Miss Lu-cile Lu-cile Barton at their home Thursday afternoon in the form of a kitchen shower. The time was spent in sewing, sew-ing, singing and chatting. A great many beautiful and useful kitchen articles were received by the bride elect. An elaborate three course luncheon was served in very splendid splen-did style by the hostesses. Those present were: Lucile Barton, Olive Neilson, IdaLarsen, Florence Mon-sen, Mon-sen, Mrs. Harry Ericksen, Christie Neilson, Irene Neilson, Minnie Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, Tressie Madsen, Sarah Barton. Bar-ton. The officers of the South Ward Y. L. M. I. A. entertained the girls of their Association Tuesday evening at their hall. An impromptu program, sewing and home made candy were enjoyed. About 30 persons were present. Miss Esther Lund was hostess at a parcel shower at her home Friday afternoon in compliment to Miss Mary Peterson. Those present were Elma Noland, Tina Ericksen, Sarah Barton, Lucile Barton, Estella Trus-cott, Trus-cott, Ida Larsen, Ada Jensen, Myra Madsen, Minnie Christensen, Tressie Madsen, Mary Peterson and Mrs. M. C. Peterson. Mrs. Harry Ericksen was hostess at a pleasant Kensington at her home Friday afternoon. A dainty luncheon lunch-eon was served at 6 o'clock to the following guests, Mesdames: J. W. Annand, Boon Brotherson, Frank Madsen, C. H. Denhalter, Andrew Knudsen, Hannah Burnett, H. C. Merz, Mrs. A. L. Larsen, and Mrs. M. H. Lundberg. Helene Nelson celebrated . her fourth birthday at the home of her parents Wednesday afternoon'in the form of an ice cream party. About twenty little guests were present and a delightful afternoon spent. Mrs. Harry Ericksen entertained at an afternoon luncheon at her home Wednesday, in compliment to the D. S. class. Sewing, music and luncheon were enjoyed by the following: fol-lowing: Hilda Madsen, Florence Monsen, Ila Larsen, Christie Neil-sen, Neil-sen, Lucile Barton, EttaRolph, Mrs. Geo. C. Sorenson, and Mrs. A. Larson. |