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Show PftMMUMUTll ! i II1IIM.II1.II I I I H MM JJ.w;&'.'tft,? . j; Fairview jj ;' A very pleasant surprise, was tendfred A. U. Miner iIa , the loth, by his Seventh Grade class, an enjoyable en-joyable evening- was sport in plavn.e,' ! games, singing and reehire;, Dalit'. v I refreshments were served. I Friday, the last day of seho il, one of the most interesting and en i thusiastic games of ball that has , taken place this year on the Fairview i d.amond was played between tliej E.ghth Grade of Mt. Pleasant aril . Seventh Grade of Fairview, the .vow i stood three to nine in fa. or of Fair-! view. The Mother Goose entertainment! given last Thursday evening by tit: Pr niary Grades va a grand sucee-s, i being welt exeuleJ and nil i-tis :r ' much credit upon the teae-las ha- i ing it in charge. I ! The grammer grades had their entertainment Friday evening, one very pleasing feature of th" evening even-ing was a couple of very pretty and well e.xcuted drills. The game of ball Inst Saturday lyu.vn Fain iev and Milburn for urst ha't of the innings seemed .,,!:: g;oi!ig entirely in favor of th '."te:-. sc and enthusiasm run pretty high; hut-in the hitter pa: I the game the tide turred and the '"vk'W sporls defeated thc-'r r.i r'th. j'n (aiiifinents. T'1" fun-ral services of Mrs. Wii- : 1 r. ferry was held in the meeting iiy.se i'iiurslay the lllth. Manv li :ends ami relatives were in attendance attend-ance -hewing the esteem in which siie was held. The speakers were-Wn. were-Wn. ftiower, II. W. Clark, Frantz ei-i'ii, ai;d Bishop Wm. Stewart of Wiiluu-i. 'They spoke of her many :-' aid qualities. Tnose present from , 1:1 ' hv:i were: Mr. and Mi s. i -im') aii J sim anil daughter ftom '.a;e-, Mrs. Eugene Prailsford of !p..H. hfrk, and Pishop O. L. " in y o f Pro-o Bench. Mr. Marie le.bertson of Sunnv.dde ' i - veiling her mother, Mrs. Cynthia '.vr. r. ..' .ii Pus'iman and his th: ee 'augio. rs. Mrs. Sarah I). I'Muei;-. .-lis. .rriiif K. Andei-son. anil Mis. Orin Barker were called to Sal; le k" last we( k to attend the funeral c "- bis daughter, Mrs. Grace Lind-ciuist. Lind-ciuist. The ten year old son ' of August i Hansen, had two fingers so badlv ': cat with an ax that ttwv had to bl-aniiailrited, bl-aniiailrited, aiso an older son has a very severe attack oE appendicitis. AIis. Sa.ah Fowels is a Manti visitor this week. |