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Show j CZAR AVERSE TO MONGOL WAR ( ? x:x ,y It is stated in high official circles that Russia does not contemplate the annexation of Mongolia and does not even desire to see it established as a buffer state. On the contrary, Russia feels that Chinese suzerainty is best for the Mongols, who are unaccustomed unaccus-tomed to self government and are ignorant ig-norant of statecraft. For Russia to assist Mongolia in a war for Independence would be foolish, fool-ish, as it wouid alienate from the empire em-pire the sympathies of the young Chinese Chi-nese republic, antagonize the other powers and necessitate stronger measures meas-ures later on. Officials who have the czar's confidence say that should China succeed in makii an arrangement whereby the Mongols would be satisfied, satis-fied, Russia would not object to Mongolia's Mon-golia's joining the republic. rXWHile the foregoing is undoubtedly (hp, Russian government's attitude, it inn bd .rttneoibered that the Kus-. y . c - j ' . p tH.an-;nxesBinq (ne.';mi.itary party irvn- '. 5fhe etaMishrnent offlongolia aS an ludeljnoVbt boltc'rst&e 'and. critic! ?e II-tfonglyVfbr II-tfonglyVfbr . 1U conclllatoty, aUltucW toVar Cuin |