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Show N 0 A L.UPW' IN AbsolutelyPure A void A II Substitutes ijMmiULJisanaimammmmmmMmtnmsmxa-i-aiwmm inn irr ERICKSEN MEAT and GROCERY CO Choicest Meats, - Freshest frrceri e In Stock Always All Fruits and Early Vegetables m Season. Equipment throughly up to date. Patronage of the Public Solicited The North Sanpete High School and the Wasatch Academy football , teams clash on the later's field this afternoon. The game will no doubt be a very spirited contest as there is much friendly rivalry between the schools. A jolly crowd of young people met in the primary room of the M. E. i Church for a Hallowe'en party Saturday Sat-urday evening. October 3 0. Games and music appropriate to the day were very much enjoyed. All members of the Loyal Temper-j ance Legion are invited to be pr's-j ent at the Marshmellow toast to be given in front of the M. E. Church on the evening of November 12. Preaching services are hell each Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Methodist Church, by the pastor Rev. H. Fryes. The public, is cordially invited. in-vited. Call Phone EIGHT-O. where the Rowers grow, for cut flowers and funeral fun-eral designs. Provo Greenhouse Co. We are nearer to you and carry the largest stock. advt. CHIROPRACTIC TALK NO. (). M IX'IIA X ICS If you have a vertabra thrown out of alignment, and as a consequence have pain and soreness, stiff muscles, etc., w hy not adjust It in to posit inn instead of using somebody's Bain Killer or plasters. That would be mechanics. The Chiropractor Is a skilled mechanic, his fingers are trained to do certain things in a certain way. To adjust, the spine tie uses his hands only. The adjustment adjust-ment Is a mechanical movement made for the j urpose of putting the vertnbrae Into alignment. It may take several ad just incuts before the spine Is corrected, according to how long it. );ik been abnormal. This Is why children's spines yield so readily, read-ily, conicf uent y they receive their health quicker. Come early for adjustments and brim: the children. KKX.I.VMIV IC. .TOHNHOV. I. V. OHice: I't V.iit nn'l 2nd South Phone 7,H - Mount Plensnnt, l'th. j CLASSIFIED AB3 The best Electric Washer on the Market for only $45-00. Wall an4 Tygerson. AUTOMOBILE HIRE NEW AU-to AU-to at reasonable prices. Andrew Tygerson. Ty-gerson. Shoe and harness repairing neatly done at reasonable prices by Fred Sionsen, Fairview. advt. 13 Stands of Bees for Pale. Omar-inteed Omar-inteed free from foul brood. Reasonable Rea-sonable price. K. Terkelsen, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 10--tl FOR CUT FLOWERS Or Floral Designs Send to the t r' I'l.O'MI, CO.. I-'h'. Phone 89W-2. Growers of very choice Flowers.' : ! Scbecribe for the Pyramid fH.Vi yqjwcyLU Pt, iA mm mm.'im a.iP'i Vv ww f "Vi i1 :ta n i' mi i i f ! iirn ii rii tC n iiiifi'm f" - - hm, i a J ; L ''?'n.;-c,:.y Htm fx J n : b or Mmm Fore i b QUrmm G&r Ii PLACE YOUR ORDER NC V.T t FOUNTAIN GREEN, UTAH. pmr y".iui.v- y t -r. " 1 t ' "" ' ..mu uliwi i n i . f. fJ i7,;r;;.VT 7"".-"" TT .-' " " '-!'.-" r.'V V T." f V .vi "h ' V y f pi.- ',"yxm9m-YKK "J-."-"-'-.'W'wluM U'mwi i- nun imwui ' -; 1 "' 1Mii i-iHiii f i .. -a JA.al il . .'-4 fw'V- " - - - 4 1 ii i -n'ir trt'- ' '' -" ' -.- .... , , .-.- J l Thiriik3glvSrig3ale 1 Bloesiil38r Sih t 15th, 1915 y Hand Tailored Clothes, the kind that give satisfaction always, no regrets I Suits, Overcoats, Mackenaws. extlfers 1 Offer No. 1 a, .. PANTS FREE!! Ml. t) SK T- A. V Extra Pants Freo With Every Suit Ordered During - X XnL n T,leSale- . offer No. 2 m 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT 'jvfM cSH4- f For One Week We Will Give You a Discount of 15 , JL' . ', '"AWmf 'S$&- A.n WjX)) 1 Per Cent on any Order for a Suit, Overcoat or Extra IC&I7 V'-IV i h A Vii-t '-'i offer No. 3 1 m U EXTRA SPECIAL!! W av ;lfi)i?p: :; : h One-Half ('2) off on Your Overcoat Order if You flYllfn wyi ! ' '' I, Will Buy a Suit and Overcoat During the Next Week. Wc l'fH fyf $VlrSi !i l - Will Sell the Overcoat for Half-Pricc, for example, a $20 fllfef I 1 1' ' - V ! ' Vl i'i 1 i, Suit and a $20 Overcoat for only $30. Yi'' WW 'MiV li-li Wt I m Mmm l Largest variety of Novel- j Mf fill i ty and staple guaranteed I V&fi I ' III : woolens for Autumn and ft ff M ttifei If :. Winter, at prices but a little li j 1 lfflffll MM i! higher than you would have 4 11114,- ,M Aff gsm :. to pay for ready made. ; Patronize custom tailoring and get style, comfort and a guaranteed fit P IMF IPatpraairB Merchant ; Vo vilo Ji iLd ill Tailor LI niw in w in wi t i- iv? j.ypinie, jm .i"p wwej . ejea ej i H ( l' ' ""- r -, . . . , , , , , , |