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Show fridw, July 2, 1 us THE midu .... Club News Engagements . . tit Nmllt rcUlj.U'tP Social Events Announcements Marriages Cradle He . A M otlings . Mrs. Rachel Rasmussen Society Editor - Phone 87 buy, Jam1 2i, to Low I.)(tiu Diaper Wilbur and ley. Mt. Pleasant Brevities Miss Annie lumed Tuesday . . . Johansen Nielsen. Mr and Mis. Wayne Peterson and small sun of San Francisco have been guests at the home of Mr. Petersens parents, Mr. and Mis A L. Peteisen. Wayne is a student at Dental College of California. Last weekend, Mrs. Wayne Petersens parent, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Parker of Salt Lake city were also guests at the Peterson home. Unl-veixit- re- from a week's Mrs. J. F. Renlelbach and small visit with her note, Mrs. II. B. daughter, Jackie Lee, who have Mensel at Iiovo been visiting Mrs. Reidelbach's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. GunMr and Mrs. Max Cox, their derson, will leave by plane Sundaughters, Carolyn, Anna, day for their home in Winimoc, Anna Marie and Dorothy Indiana. Helen and son Bruee of Mesa, Arizona, ate visiting Mt. PleasA of friends honored ant and Fauviow relatives for Mis. gioup J. S. Jenseh at a party at two weeks. Mrs. Cox, the former Ruth Jorgensen is a daugh- her home Tuesday evening in her birthday ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jorg- observanie of Four tables of Rook ensen of this city. were plaved after which luncheon v. a served for the following Ruel Seely left last Friday to l guests. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. J. his visit son, Boyd Seely, who Mi and Mrs. V. H. Gunsen, is serving as an L D S mission- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Dan ary in Canada. Mr. Seely will Mr and Mrs A L. Petersen,Borg, att.nd a four day conference of arid Mrs. Wayne Petersen Mr. of all Canadian missionaries in San Fiancisco, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cardston and in company with II. and Mr. and Mrs. his son will also visit the Card- EmilAndersen, Rutishauser. ston Temple. Mis. Wairen L. Blair and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ilarvey of small of daughter Christine Pleasant Grove have announced the birth of a daughter June 11. Quitman, Mississippi, are visitMrs. Ilarvey is the former Helen ing at the home of Mrs. Blairs pannts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eas-- j Seely ol Mt. Pleasant. mussen. Ca-mil- An-de- Keith Andersen, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Andersen, and a student at the University of Utah, has gone to Los Angeles to send his vacation with his brother Ralph. While there he was offered and acctpted a position as chemist with General Foods Co. and will spend the summer working with this company. Elkins of Salt Lake city visited last week end with Mrs. Elkins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Gunderson. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Cope and young son of Ephraim came to Mt. Pleasant Wednesday to celebrate Mrs. Copes birthday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jensen. The Misses Beverly and Lucile Nelson visited Price friends this Guests at the home of Mr. w eek. and Mrs. George C. Sorensen are their daughter and Dinner guests at the Fred Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and Rasmussen home last Sunday little Miss Patty Becker of Long were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmus- Beach, Calif. Dr. and sen, Jr., of Coalville, Mrs. W. D. Tueller Mrs. Virginia S. Merkel and and four daughters of Provo, Mrs. Frank small daughter, Jane, who have J. Lynn of New York and Mrs. spent the past two months with Warren L. Blair and daughter of relatives in Fairview, Mt. Pleasant and Salt Lake returned Quitman, Miss. Tuesday to their home in PetaMr. and Mrs. Auer Proctor and luma, Calif. their daughter and Mrs. Allie Case of Ocean Park, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kiddle of Canada, who visited Calif., has been the houseguest Sterling, here last week, were honored of Miss Mable Pearson during at a family dinner given by Mr. the past two weeks. and Mrs. P. A. Peel Tuesday and ware also honored at a family Birthday Party For Judy gathering Tuesday evening at Judy Louise Jensen, daugh-e- rof Mr. and Mrs Duane Jenthe home of Mavor and Mrs. S. son-in-la- son-in-la- sen, was entertained at a day party June 24. weie present Sandra Mary Louise, Jackie Kay, and Patty llrlcksen, Elva Darla and Tammle Rosenlof. Ruth Ann nl.son, Tonga Seely, Susan - a Mor-spen- In Ogden and Provo - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creagor of Salt Lake city have spent the past week at the bedside of Mt. Pleasant Girl Will Marry Montana Man and Faireld Lar- University of Oregon where he announce the "as pixsident of his fraternity, F1' Gamma Delta. engagement of their daughter, Af,or a wedding trip to San Leone, to Mr. Bert George Cox, and the Carmel, son of Mr. and Mrs. James trank Francisco Coupk, wiU make tholr home ln Cox of Billings, Montana. Denver. The wedding which will take Mr. Mrs. J. - You 7 AVA e anniversaries IVITII THESE Over the 4th of July Holiday forty-secon- d All Flavors I&eSresialsig Ray Peterson. Fifteen members of the family, including grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Peterson Sot Dr leaks at- tended the chicken dinner. Californians Announce Two Jnne Marriages In The Same Family LUCIOUS Ripe interest to many Mt. Pleas ant people will be the marriages in San Rafael, California, this month off Robert Jean Burns to Miss Wilma Sack; and Bonnie Beatrice Burns to Mr. Clyde Jones. Bob and Bonnie are the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bums, formerly of Mt. Of POLO SHIRTS Pleasant, and the grandchildren of Mrs. Olivia P. Burns of Mt. Pleasant. The following former Mt. Pleasant people attended the weddings: Attorney and Mrs. Nathan Neilson and daughter, Elaine of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs J. M. Burns and son Jimmy Gay stripes in three bright colors on combed cotton S - sen of this city K. Petersons an iniversary, it marked the nine jteenth anniversary of the mar riage of Myra Beck Peterson and the late Ferry Peterson, and the seventeenth for Mr. and Mrs. o shirts! Taped necks. 4 HOME ' in one family were celebrated Monday evening at Dutchs Cafe with a dinner. Monday was Mr. and Mrs. W. lored suit for summer fun! Firm weave rayon gabardine (for lots of wear) in 20. 6 smart colors! 4.98 Tailored slacks 12-t- s e Celebration Marks Wedding Anniversary tai- g ai A COLORADO are in store ior Miss Leone Larsen, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Faireld Larsen of Mt. Pleasant, She will become Mrs. Bert George Cox in a Denver wedding, July 14. - during the week was Mrs. Annie M. Jackson. In Ogden she attended the wedding reception of her granddaughter, Margene Madsen and Harold Weis, and in Provo was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie J. Guymon and family. Three wedding w. AND d the home of Mrs. Edna Christensen. Cards were the evening entertainment after which a delicious luncheon was served. Visiting a A HONEYMOON IN CALIFORNIA Dr. Eric Clithereoe, Mrs. Esplace in Denver, Colorado, has Miss ther been set for July 14. Irwin, Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. J Thompson, a of Miss Larsen is graduate Gunn were the dinner the University of Utah where Rapll of Miss Harriet Terry and she was a member of Kappa guests Pleasant Woman Mrs. Roger Hansen Monday eveMr, andi Last night Gamma Saturday sorority Spurs, ning. The following Kappa Comnletes Thesis For evening Mrs. Ralph Gunn, Clarice, Nor-lanwas active in pnusic circles Miss re- - on Terry and Mrs. Hansen enGunn Mrs. Her Masters Degree Grace and ine the campus, tertained at dinner Mrs. Mina turned from a three week trip, Mr- c ox- a veteran of World Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Lizetta Seely, daughter to Illinois. In Tipton, Iowa, Clitheroe. of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Seely, Miss saw SniX Margery they cu is spending the summer months AcraTjeaThh"y e'J. in Mt. Pleasant following comMrs. Leora Johansen Is pletion of studies for a masters country in decree at the University of Utah. Missouri; and ln Kansas they, Miss Ruth McElhannon and New President Oi Miss Seely wrote her thesis visited briefly with Mr. John here brother Dan of San Fran- - So. Wd. Reliel Society for the degree on the subject, Haberbosch, one-timteacher at cisco arrived in ML Pleasant a "Gifted Pupils in the Field of Wasatch Academy, who is now week ago Monday for a long The presidency of the South, Art." She will teach this fall at superintendent of schools at visit with their grandmother, ward Relief Societey, Church of the Onequa school in Salt Lake Cherryvale. In August the Ha- - Mrs. F. O. Fogelberg and the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints citv. berbosch family will visit the family. Later their mother, was reorganized Sunday eveand ning, owing to the death of the Gunns. Another former teacher Mrs. Elmer McElhannon, of Temple City, California; Mr. at Wasatch Academy, Miss Ethel other two children will join former president, Mrs. Johanna and Mis. Max Johans; n. Mr. Trowbridge, gave them a very them. Peel, on June 4. oand Mrs. Don Shane (Donna pleasant day in Colorado , t The new officers are Mrs. Leora 'nhansern, all of San Rafael. Nim Vafley, Calffomla! who! Johansen, president; Mrs. MagSprings. is spending dalene Allied, first counsellor with her family, ; Advertisement some time with relatives in Salt and Mrs. lhyllis Truseott, secAdvertisement Cool dresses for the holidays. Cool dresses for the holidays. Lake city, visited the F. O. Fog- - ond counsellor. Mrs. Allred sucBras- - elberg family for several Brasand Gossard Mrs. Lettie Gossard ceeds and Petersen, who days, Lingerie Lingerie siers. has served fourteen years as Nylon Hose from $1.35 siers. Nylon Hose from $1.35 Mrs. Allen is the daughter-in-Barnet- t and Larsen Dress Shop counsellor in the presidency. Barnett and Larsen Dress Shop law of Mrs. Fogelberg. Mrs. Edna Christensen Entertains Club Ladiea Friday evening the Thursday at Nighters were entertained Three-in-On- good-lookin- i Ft Green Social Notes Visiting with the Niels Hansen family during the week were Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen of Burley, Idaho, and Mr. and and Mrs. Heher Hansen son of Twin Falls, Idaho. 6.90 A lovely of honor hr Creagors sister, Mrs. CaroS. Llewellyn, who passed away Sunday. SLACK SUITS Two Weddings Highlight Moroni Social Scene MU!rt-c- l wedding reception In newlyweds, Mr. and Mis Paul Bailey, was glwn at the Ohte Bungalow Monday with Clifford S. Black-haevening Mis Justensen, as master of cereMrsAllred moniesacting Paula and Peter Simpson, Karen tra,!,Alllti. Al Karen Lund, Winterbottom, a"J M,s of Mrs. L ,01rm Strate Tiie (aide is the former Jewel Bobble and the guests Hatch, Marilyn Biuno, daughter of Mr. and At at h."mp Fr,llli ''v,'nln Joyce Neilson, Jo Ann Wallock, Mis Scott Biuno The groom Is scores rook p laving Hie son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richey Lamb and Eddie Hafen. Progressive ''I" Four mothers were visiting .on race r!Allred,a ami Mis Bailey during the party, Mrs. Merdlth Athene Osborne. were icfreshments Light Hafen, Mrs. Geniel Carter, Mrs. m'iv d and the evening was con- Edith Simpson and Mrs. Phyllis luded with dancing with muWalloek of VVendover. K. K. Club Meets sic by the Revelers. " was Mrs. Maurlel The young couple received Nunley Luncheon For hostess, Thursday evening to the many beautiful and useful gifts Bible School Staff !K. K. club members with her! and they plan to live in Mo-- , Miss Ruth Hacking was a special guests being Mrs. Hazel roni Mr. and Mrs. James Everitt gracious hostess at McMillan Covert. Mrs. Agatha Major, Mrs. Hall Monday, to a group of her Ruth Dye and Mrs. Erma Nor- - announce the marriage of their assistants at the recent Daily man of Mt. Pleasant. daughter June to Ralph Lund of weie Mrs. Ephraim on June 12 in Salt Vacation Bible School held at! Winning scores .Nellie Blain, Mrs. Lola Sorensen, Lake City. Wasatch Academy. A shower was given in their and Mrs. A three course luncheon was Mrs. Agatha Major honor on June 25th in tlve East served at a beautifully ap-- . ward chapel with Edna Larson pointed table in green and white. m charge of the same. The deGames were enjoyed in the New Game Played afternoon. lightful program was enjoyed ;ByAleathea Mrs. Lorn a Jensen, Mrs Haze very much after which delicious Those present were he Misuses R icfreshments were served. Olga ,jla( Joyce Swensen, Glenna The young couple received Ella Carlson, Mrs. Otelha Jus- Donna FfSfrlf Carma Wimpy, nruTon" tensen, Mrs. Margaret Petersen, many beautiful and useful gifts. berg, Ruth Lane, Mary Mrs. LaVee Thev plan to make their home Jo Mrs. Leona Strate, Clara Jean Syndergaard vilate Hope, Mrs. in Ephraim Ann McGoogan, and Mestlames rir,jiGraco Fullmer, Mrs F.va Grace r Erma Fran(K,'n The Junior Sorosis Club mem-IMrs- . Grace Neilsen, Mrs. Carol hers and their husbands Mrs. Crystal Aiken and, joyed a skating party Thursday Mrs. Irene Aiken were the guests night at the Olde Bungalow of Mrs. Sylvia Neilsen Friday where refreshments were served afternoon. The Aieathea club to the following: Mr. and Mrs. members and special guests. Karl Tidwell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl An enjoyable afternoon was t Blarkham, Mr. and Mrs. playing a new game intro- - gan Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Urwin duced by the hostess and stuvMorley, Mr. and Mrs. George served all a lovely lunch. Faux, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seeley Little News of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Dee is the new grand Advertisement Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. An Cool dresses for the holidays. Joseph Revill, Mr. and derson of Fountain Green and Lingerie and Gossard Bras- - Dormont Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Kelson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lamb of siers. Nylon Hose from S1.35 Salt Lake City, born June 9 in Earnett and Larsen Dress Shop Ford Faux, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lay. Provo. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lamb of Provo. Ml 22 Scow, f'(i Personals . . . . . Petersen, Mrs. Vildte IIojm', Mis. Crystal Aiken, Mrs. Dona Allred, Mrs I.tia l.ar Iretta Slrate, Miss !','n Mrs fatma Beck. Miss Geneva bate, M's' I hristie Beck, Mrs Irene Aiken, Mrs. Nedia Jens, n Mi Ms' line Misses' Rayon GatTardine P'i Utahna Strate Entertains birth-- Mrs. Heres a PLEASANT PYRAMID Spring City Moroni . Cradle News MT. M-- l.CS SHORTS SET 2.98 Square neck runted top, multicolor st.iprd shorts! Sanforized cotton chain-braMisses sizes 12 to 18. JUST ARRIVED! A smart selection of mer Dresses colorful tons and black sheers. Sum- cot-- , Barnett and Larsen Dress Shop Mt. Pleasant MISSION, 28 oz. Bottle - Tasty HIRES ROOT BEER. 26 oz Bottle - 15c Sc lb. 15c SQUIRT, etc., 28 oz. Bottle HIRES Root Beer, 6 SQUIRT, etc., 6 z. 10-o- z. 15c Bottles - 25c Bottles 25c - Bottle Deposit In Addition TASTY COLD CUTS FROM OUR MEAT COUNTER A Dare Midriff Style & - MELLONS Fine Assortment The Best In Quality At Reasonable Prices Johansen Bros Picnic Special Mt. Ida OLIVES. Tall Can 24c Ring Star MUSTARD, 2 lb. Jar 18c Best Foods MAYONNAISE. Pint - Phone in Your Order For Quick. Courteous Delivery Phone 92 51c |