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Show AIRVIEW Descendants Of Pioneer Couple Last weekend descendants of Frederick Walter Cox of Mantl, Jrville Cox of Fairview and Mary Cox Whiting of Mapleton, arly Utah pioneers and mem-eis mem-eis of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, held their annual reunion. They wvre immigrants from England into the New England states. However, upon their conversion to the Church they moved west to L'tah. The descendants started their reunion by an excursion to the Manti Temple on Friday. That evening they again congregated, :his time at the Fairview South ward amusement hall for a program, genealogy study, community com-munity singing of songs written by Ira Cox and Euphrosia Cox Day, refreshments and dancing. Stanley Cox, the past president, presi-dent, was succeeded by J. C. Moftit, who was elected president presi-dent for future years. The next eunion will be held on Manti's local centennial celebration. Continued on Pg. 2 FAHVIEW ; ' By Adeol P.qsmusssen j (continued from page 1) Among the descendants present pres-ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cox and family, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Shank and family, i Fallon, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. !Orville S. Cox, Shelley. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Max Cox and family fam-ily and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Watson, Wat-son, Mesa, Arizona; Mrs. Flavia Smith, Jerome, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Powell and family, Salt Lake city; Mrs. Marian Riding and Mrs. Unis Herberts, St. Goorgo; Mrs. Abagail Heaton and Mrs. Clarice Blake, Hinckley; Hinck-ley; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moffit, Provo; Mrs. Eva Cox Moffit and daughters, Salt Lake city and Morgan; Mrs. Clara Cox and Mrs. Ann Fischer and daughter, Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. King and Mrs. Fred Snide, Manti; Mrs. Fannie Tuttle, Calif.; the family of Kenneth Keller and sisters. Mantl; the family of Arthur Van Buren of Orange-ville Orange-ville was well represented; Mrs. Cora Butler and family, Bountiful; Boun-tiful; Mrs. Ada S. Anderson and family. Mantl, Mrs. Elva S. ,Raindeu and family, Yakima, i Wash. ; Mrs. I.Ida Snow Wooley, IMrs. Ora C. Watson, Lynn and l Karen Graeco and descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox. Salt Lake city. It was estimated that there were fifty descendants of Frederick Fred-erick W. Cox and seventy-five of Orvillo Cox present. Mrs. Emma Sidwell was hostess host-ess to her bridge club Thursday, June 21. Luncheon was served to Mrs. Geroma Madsen, Mrs. Thelma Burnslde. Mrs. Cllsta Mower. Mrs. Bert Chrlstrnsen, Mrs. Altha Mower. Mrs. Se-Noma Se-Noma Vance, Mrs. Mabel Peterson. Peter-son. Mrs. Margery Vance, Mrs. Ruby Hansen, and the special guest. Mrs. Llda Graham. Mrs. Burnslde won first prize and Mrs. Margery' Vance won consolation. con-solation. Program Given Far Christlanien Service Funeral services for Frederick Christiansen, 73. who died Tuesday Tues-day at 4 n. m. of a hrart ailment . . ... .1 1 f 1 . . O n v. e i e iwiiiiuiiiii r i tuiijr i k. y. m. In the FalrvK-w North ward chapel by Bishop Sllven V. Peterson. Pe-terson. On the program the following follow-ing parts were rendered: Speakers were Willis Brady, C. V. Howell and Bishop H. P. Hansen. Musical numbers were: vocal duet. "Vacation In Heaven", Mrs. Mabel Peterson and Mrs. Ellen Peterson, accompanied ac-companied by Mr. Alta Osborne; Os-borne; vocal duet, "My Faith In Thee", Arthur Day and Stanley Brady, accompanied by Mrs. Ida Day. Prayers were offered by Myron Tucker and Bishop II. W. Jones. The graveside dedication dedica-tion was given by a brother of the deceased, James Christiansen Christian-sen of Spanish Fork. Three numbers were sung by the choir conducted by Stanley Brady. Mr. Christiansen was born Oct. 1. 1H72 In Christ Church. New Zealand, n son of Andrew and Mary Christiansen. The family came to Utah In 1S7!I. He was married to Sarah Lavlna Brady May 7. V.W2 In the Mantl temple. tem-ple. They resided In Clear Creek for some time and In 1929 enme to Fairview. Active In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Mr. Christiansen filled n mission to the Southern Slates In 1S98-99. He was superintendent of the Sunday School nnd first counsellor counsel-lor while living In Clear Creek. At the lime of his death he was a ward teacher. Survivors Include his widow; a son and three daughters, Woodrow Christiansen, Fnlrvlew, Mrs. Cecil James and Mrs. Rulh Madwn, Provo; Mrs. Edith Rob-erts. Rob-erts. Salt Lake city; n sister and a brother, Mrs. Anna Van Noy, I.ns Angeles, Calif.; James Chris-Hansen, Chris-Hansen, Spanish Fork; six grandchildren and a great-grandchild. great-grandchild. Burial was In Hip Fnlrvlw cemetery under the direction of the Jacobs mortuary. I Out-of-town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Christiansen and Mr. and Mrs. James Christiansen, Christian-sen, Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Garner Madsen and Mr. and Mrs. Howard James, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roberts, Salt Lake city. more eFairview eee e Mr. and Mrs. Val Woodward and son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Que Tucker. Mrs. Woodward was formerly Lu-Dean Lu-Dean Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Bushman and family spent the weekend in Salt Lake city visiting with their daughter Donna. Mrs. Ray Whipple and daugh-tere daugh-tere Linda Rae of Boise, Idaho, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Darius Sanders. Mrs. Whipple was Viola Sanders before her marriage. Mrs. Becky Jensen entertained her bridge club Wednesday night. Present were Mrs. lone Rigby, Mrs. Mayme Pritchett, Mrs. Valera Cheney, Mrs. Minerva Min-erva Vance, Mrs. Lorna Tucker, Mrs. Lorna Vance, Mrs. Crystal Brady, Mrs. Mary Sanderson, Mrs. Lorna Terry, Mrs. Ellen ' Turpln and Mrs. Alice Nelson. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mayme Pritchett; second, Mrs. Alice Nelson, Nel-son, and consolation, Mrs. Minerva Min-erva Vance. Miss Gwen Hartley has been visiting with her father, Kaleb Hartley for approximately two weeks. Miss Hartley recently graduated from the Pacific University, Uni-versity, Forest Grove, Oregon, with a doctor of optometry degree. de-gree. She left for Provo Wednesday. Wed-nesday. a Miss Nlvlan Christensen visited vis-ited this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sanderson. |