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Show Need Less Bldgs. " But More Space !- raitot's -Note: This Is tho tuvltth Z , 1 ,, S,.-U"s of arlii'lcs t'pl.ilnlnj; '' Z pr ' l.:unl'i'H's survey ol tho Z Willi S-iiipolo Si-liool Pistiiot. N Chapter VII Acute Needs Tor Storage i!.; Space, For Libraries. For Guid- ance Activities. And For A District Administration Sundry Sund-ry ing- Z' The Need For Storage Space ; -..s "Throughout tho luiiUlins of : tho North S.mpoto Sohool lMs-tik't. lMs-tik't. stores;0 sp;uv is ilofioiont. This applies to sp;uv available for udministrativo supplies, it applies to sp.uo oonsumable in-stnu-tional supplies, it applies to looker spaee for pupils in all Z'" buiMinss oxeept perhaps one, it applies very strikngly to the ;.-Z l.n-k of spaee for janitors' quar-)0rs quar-)0rs ami work-rooms as well ns spaces for their working tools and supplies. "For a man on whose attitude, industry, and skill so much of the safety, health, and conven-k:- ienee of pupils and teachers do-.... do-.... - ponds, not to mention the safety " - and care of hundreds of thous-ands thous-ands of dollars worth of build-'1 build-'1 inss and equipment, the provis-" provis-" - ions made for the custodian in ; r, these buildings is figuratively or oven actually scandalous in its inadequacy. Library Facilities .i-- . "No school libraries were over .. built into any school building - in the North Sanpete School Dis-trict. Dis-trict. Xo proper school library '. .. room exists in the district now. "Xo person is employed in any school in the district as a li- hrarin, no teacher professes any special qualifications or : training in library organization. " - management, or use. No period for library work is scheduled in any pupil's course of study or :.- daily program, and no library '. --. period is scheduled for any ; teacher in the daily schedule of any school" with the exception . . of North Sanpete High School. 'No librarian is employed in V'. that school, as a method of reducing re-ducing the staff expense, and no library period is scheduled - ' regularly for any teacher as a ': 7 method of securing full teaching ssrvices from each teacher each ' """ day. - "The entire theory of the place of school library equipment and ; service, in secondary schools particularly, should come up for full discussion and re-consider-: -: ation in this district. Xo new ; . building should be designed un- - ; . til the place of the school library - and of the study activities of , ... pupils have been clarified and have been given a more sys-' sys-' .. tematic place in the program and in the buildings. The vrif-v vrif-v eis opinion is that the library '. , function is not properly seen or .".. magnified in this district." Guidance hiih" "Xo facilities are provided either in the offices or the school buildings of the district for conducting pupil 'guid-... 'guid-... ance'" These should include counseling rooms, tests, special filing equipment, and vocational libraries. Another urgent need, providing guidance work is to aC?; be carried on, is for trained per-vJ per-vJ sonnel. Need For A Separate ' Administrative Building JjJ "In the North Sanpete high school building is located both i the principal's office and the offices of the superintendent -4 and the clerk of the Board of -. Education. Years of experience .' -jj in many school systems have r shown that this arrangement is not good for either the clerk, ine superintendent or the principal. prin-cipal. Visitors to the superin-tendent superin-tendent and to the Board office always gain "a feeling of being crowded and of being in a place of confusion when they come to such an office during school I days and particularly when they come at change of classes J when the hallways and walks : are filled with hurrying stu- i dents. ; "A major disadvantage of this arrangement Is tho ovation Ot an unnecessary, but lues-capable lues-capable teeling on the part of the principal and of the teach-ers teach-ers in the building that they a iv receiving a constant and excessive ex-cessive supervision or watching or inspection from the superintendent superin-tendent and officers of the Board. lAon when no such supervision su-pervision exists in fact, and even wIkmi superintendents whose oil ices are thus located in an operating school building lean over backward to give the principal full clearance, the feeling feel-ing of unnecessary and unwanted un-wanted supervision inevitably eiseps upon the principal and his staff anyway. It is much hotter for both sets of officers to move the district administration administra-tion completvly out of the high school building. "No administrative need is more apparent in the North Sanpete School District than for the erection of a separate and appropriate administrative office of-fice building. Such a building should probably be located away from any active school site. Such a building should have a Board room appropriately furnished and equipped with a large table and a number of comfortable chairs for the use of Board members and for persons per-sons and small delegations that on occasion meet with the Board. "Tho building should also contain a small room large enough for the district staff meetings and ordinary small meetings between the Board and jits officers and the public; an j appropriate office for the clork; jan appropriate office for the i superintendent ; an adjoining room for the secretary which will serve both offices; appropriate offices for the supervisory staff; proper storage space, and a fireproof vault. |