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Show BehindM theNews By PaulMallon Jsf' Released by Western Newspaper Union. 'NEW DEAL' IS DEAD; HERE'S WHY: WASHINGTON. Mr. Roosevelt's dismissal of fourth term questions as "picayune" seems to me practically prac-tically an avowal of his candidacy. No other conclusion is reasonably possible in the light of the facts. Consider what he might have said as an alternative. He could have said "no," "yes," or "perhaps." Instead, he chose to shunt aside the question as too small for his consideration, a time-worn and obvious ob-vious stratagem he employed four years ago when he told third term inquirers to go stand in a corner with a dunce cap. But what seals this interpretation was his simultaneous announcement of a new program apparently the beginnings of a change of political front forecast in this column last month. He is dropping the phrase "New Deal" (but not any New Dealers), can thus forget the economic failures fail-ures and unsuccessful policies of same, and can cover them over with a new world program based on an agreement with Russia to promote a revolutionary new world. Mr. Jtoosevelt is not only dead right in consigning "New Deal" to the limbo of obsolete terms, but he could have gone much further. The terms "liberalism," "conservatism," "conserva-tism," "internationalism," and "isolationism" "iso-lationism" within the next year or two, will be smothered similarly by greater events which are at hand. The orthodox, unimaginative policies poli-cies of professional liberalism (di-. rected economy, security, leisure, etc.) already have been overwhelmed over-whelmed by the greater events ol the war. So have the stodgy doctrines doc-trines of conservatism (get back tc normalcy). It is no longer a question of which road to take. But what road you can get, if any. Our thinking maj have less to do with our future than events force us to do. Already, we see we cannot contrive a Utopia, but soon we may be forced to do what is necessary to prevent chaos, revolutions and a greater war. People do not understand yet thai the rise of Russia already decrees a revolutionary new world, althougt the statesmen dealing with the detailed de-tailed conflicts and prospects (which cannot easily be discussed in public in wartimes for diplomatic and pa. triotic reasons) obviously can already al-ready see it. 'DEAD' FOR TWO TEARS The New Deal, of coorse, has beer dead for two years. It was knocked out by the war while dying on its feet. Its theories and its personnel were not sufficiently competent oi efficient for the tremendous war jot of production and marshalling oJ war forces. But what we are coming into i! not as easy to recognize, apparentlj not even to Mr. Roosevelt, as h( did not attempt to define it vers clearly. Indeed, it would be necessary neces-sary to hear from Mr. "Stalin and possibly also Mr. Churchill to find that out, if they yet are certain. A Russian victory will place Stalin in at least indirect control, economically econom-ically as well as politically, of Europe Eu-rope and no doubt Asia as we'll. Our capitalistic countries wili come out of the war saddled witi great debt for generations, but Russia Rus-sia has no debt and will emerge with greater productive capacitj than when she started. She also will have the superior world army, we the navy (5 to 1 over Britain and more over Russia). This situation in itself will require revolutionary changes on our part all along the line. PUTTING AN END 10 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY The incontestable answer to all this juvenile delinquency in the news is one word discipline. This is not old-fogeyism, but ultra modern psychiatric doctrine. The instinctive tendencies of children must be curbed by discipline until they have reached the age where self-restraint enables them to conform con-form to social customs and to take advantage of social opportunities. Too many parents and children themselves erroneously believe that modernism permits free expression of their instincts. This leads to the current savage eyesores of our vaunted civilization in which prostitution prosti-tution has been flaunted conspicuously conspicu-ously in cities by grade school girls, thefts and crime before the age oi reason has been reached, and murder mur-der of parents by children who find them troublesome. I have seen, in Times square, New York, girls barely past puberty with soldiers and sailors, not in smal 'groups, but in droves, while police ; look on shaking their heads in ap-: ap-: parent helplessness. I could break ' that up in 15 minutes. And here is the method: Everywhere that soldiers and sailors sail-ors go, there are MPs. If the military mili-tary police were ordered to detair and question every serviceman accompanying ac-companying a girl of doubtful age, and terms in the guardhouse were provided, the prattice would soor lose its current trend. The home is still the cradle of oui culture. Discipline should be reestablished re-established there on modern psychi atric lines. If the home is broker up by parental delinquency (whict also is widespread), or by the war or for whatever cause, discipline wil have to be exerted somewhere else If the restoration of home anc school discipline is not enough, th churches are the next power tha might be able to use some. By all means, use of such power and in fact all youth leadership must be kept away from the state particularly the federal government |