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Show The present with a futur- e- r,R FFY ftv'rl k faS 4MY rtA ' M M A 'fKV rtV V ' WAR BONDS for CHRIST- - 11 if Si M if W MtUmHf 1 f Vf TO f.vl 1 1i4 I ; if J MlI j w Keep on Backing the Attack MAS. Keep on Backing the "SXJ I 1 II H fc If D il fl If ( t ' '34 ' 11 I f j J '" j jff with your purchases of WAR A"ack' - - Qjo Ay 6 itJ Ay vL U'U'Ay1 1: tr war Bonds C. N. Lund, Editor - A Liberal American Weekly Ihmih Enlr'l " S.cond Clan Mailer gl the Pot OHic cl Soil Lake City. Utah, Under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Devoted to the idea that Economic Salvation must come V 1 VII No 52 Cit through Spiritual Development y AddrCSS' 217 DavidKeith Bldg. Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday, Januar, 14, 1944. Subscription, $1.50 to $5.00 a year Contributions Welcome. GOOD READING CONTINUED With each returning year, higher joys, holier aims, a purer peace and diviner energy, should freshen the fragrance of being. Mary Baker Eddy p'- Readers, help circulate the paper, send it to Progressive-minde- d people. Subscribe for your friends. Do what you can. The Progressive Cause needs you. C. V. Hansen A certain man said that he could prove from the scriptures that it was alright to steal. He then quoted, "Let him who steals, steal." But he did not finish for if he had, the next , two words would have said, "no more." Hence, let him who steals, stfal no more A cigaret ad. reads: "I would walk a mile for a Camel." Of course he would! But the whole truth would read: "My nerves are crying for nicotine, I will have it though I must walk or crawl ten miles to get it. A half truth is a lie. The truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth is what th'is old world needs today; and needs itbadl SOME miELYEDITORIALS WHO WOULD DENY FREEDOM FROM SUCH AWFUL FEARS? Fear is an enemy of life, a destroyer of health. All too long it has bound men down and devitalized human life. The fear of being discharged, the fear of failure, fear of unem-ployment, fear of depression, of sickness, of impoverished old age, fears for oneself, for wife and children. Take away fear and men would walk more erect and proudly and work more strenuously and would draw much nearer to true re-ligion and the brotherhood of man. We would be for free-dom from want and freedom from fear if we knew that fail-ure would come to us for so doing. We believe that Jesus would be for it and would lead the fight for it if he were here. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS Chicken Does Duty The Christmas chicken we re-ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Axtel did its full duty and was greatly re-lished. Friends Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Renkel of 651 Cox Place cal-led at the office Monday and paid us a pleasant and profita-ble visit They are good peo-ple who know how to get on in life. They live their religion and do much good in their ward the Columbus, Friend I.E. App'equist, long an expert linotype operator at the Tribune, has quit his job and is going out to join up with some big cooperative in the mid-west- . And believe us he is a real cooperator and should go far in that line. Success. How to Get Rich Slowly We should soon have it made if Neighbor George C. Christ-en sen has bis way. He sends out blue prints of his mechani-cal inventions with this note: "This is offered for sale. If you can use it send $3,000 to me and $3,000 to Progressive Opinion then it is yours. Now if one of them would just ac cept the offer we would toon be standing bef re kings. Georg es' heart is right but he musn't quit his brick yard just yet, ex-pecting to realize on inventions Friend Howard Christensen says that he will he handing out many a shave and hair cut before the happy day comes that we write about. Yes, bro-ther, there will first be some of the darkest days humanity has ever seen. But over the horizon wa'ts the dawn. If the Lord had kept on cre-ating men like B. Jarvis Jr. of St. George it would be a much better world. He has proved himself time and time again. May the New Year bring him and- - his all that their hearts de-sire and then some finest CHRISTMAS yon can give Is one of t.The Sam's WAR BONDS. on BACKING THE WHO SHALL BE KEEPERS OF THE CHILDREN? From very reliable news reports we have learned that there are in Europe today 30,000,000, destroyed, broken and lost homes and as a result there are 50,000,000 homeless, starved and ragged children wandering about and subjected to unspeakable horrors as a result of the war upon their homes and people. Yes, brother and sister comfortable Americans, 50,000,000 little children, much like your own, with hopes and ambitions and possibilities like your own, are living like animals and searching in snow and streets and alleys and ruined homes for morsels of food, many dropping in their tracks from cold and hunger. Of course, in all cap- italist countries, even in peace, there are always the hungry and the submerged, increased a hundred fold in war time. These 50,000,000 children can never survive unless there is a great collective effort to save them. How many ages must humanity be in evoluting up to the feeling and action to-- . ward little children shown by the Master? Let us stand up and ask loudly and strongly that these 50,000,000 perishing children should have a system that would free them from want and fear. - - READERS' COMMUNICATIONS (Send in your communications, within 275 words and be sure to enclose a dollar for typesetting.) ' (Writers take full responsibility for what they say.) Very Deplorable But Universal In Zion Provo, Utah Editor Progressive Opinion: It is very deplorable to notice the criticism that is being directed against the Church, and its leaders. That is, sbme of them. If they would all take the same stand that Pres. David O. McKay takes, all this criticism could be avoided. I have never heard a single person say a single word against him. I was present when he was sustained for the position he holds. I felt like all the congregation would like to 'arise and shout their approval aloud. From what I glean from conversations, and hear on the streets, I am sorry I can not say the same thing for the other counselor. Politics and Reader. THE GATHERING OF THE SHEEP OF THE FOLD Progressive Opinion. Dear Friend Lund: I believe the gathering of the children of Israel is now in order to the extent that people who believe in Jesus Christ and His Divine mission, and who have a desire to be members ,i of His fold, are being gathered from the four ends of the earth; from every nation and peoples, and the all important incentive to the gathering is what I call "the communion . of kindred souls" "the whispering of the spirit" or "spiritual ' kinship." ' And these are they who have heard the call of the good I shepherd, and know His voice. This gathering means the separation of the sheep from the goats, or those who are for j Jesus from those who are against Him. And the sheep are j departing from the goats on their own initiative because of their unwavering faith in God and their response to the call . of the Master; and the fiercer the conflict to the slaughter the more manifest becomes the separation. The communion of kindred souls manifests itself , through correspondence by mail between people who have never met, and who are hundreds or thousands of miles apart. The written word is as positive conveyance of the whispering of the spirit as though conceived by personal con-tact, and binds people together in a spiritual affinity that all Hell combined cannot sever, for the simple reason it is a natural law of Divinity. The whispering of the spirit is the voice of that other self, the spiritual self; the infinite, the immortal, trying to.. direct the finite, the mortal, the temporal to the true purpose of life. God speed the day when we mortals can discern between the positive and the negative. "Asleep, awake, by night or day, The friends I seek are seeking me; J No wind can drive my bark astray, Nor change the tide of destiny." (John Burroughs) Very truly yours, Sylvester Earl to WILL DEMOCRATS AND LIBERALS WAKE UP? ' Editor Progressive Opinion: A move is in the borning stage to circulate petitions and " ' hold protest meetings to demand from a local anti-gover- n- " rnent daily that it give more and better attention to one-ha- lf of is owners, viz: Democrats and Liberals whose money sup- - ports it as much as does Republican and reactionary money. It is so utterly unfair, even mean in its. attitude, and has jd never yet given this one-ha- lf of its owners a fair break nor j even a single breath of good will, looking upon them as ilt "alien and rebel" in politics. Wake up Democrats and Lib- - t4 erals. Save your state. S Brigham Young said: "From now on you must strive ink to build up the Kingdom of God and leave all else alone." T2 Worried Observer pplf $ : Outside the Good Book itself, about all the spiritual Of inspiration I receive is in reading your little paper, Progres- - sive Opinion, and I appreciate your untiring efforts in keep-ing the light burning high on the hilltop. You are fighting for the good cause with the sword of truth, and you are ,ilt deserving a lot more credit than has been given you. Slii j "come across, boys, and let's give C. N. Lund a 0i little financial boost." ' ' SOME CONDITIONS IN RUSSIA By Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterburry, Who Knows "In five republics and nine great cities of Russia I wandered (before the present invasion) by myself at all hours of day and night, in front streets and back streets, in theatres, operas and picture shows, on the seashore and in suburban lanes; I looked in book stalls and magazines. I do not recollect once having observed anything I should be ashamed of a girl of seventeen seeing with me. In these same republics and cities I did not see as much as one single suffering, hungry child. This cannot be said of any other like area on this earth." Not a single Russian soldier ever drinks liquor while on duty. THANKS THAT WE HAVE A TRUE BLUE DAILY PAPER We are personally thankful that Salt Lake and Utah have a paper like the Salt Lake Tribune," which is American to the core and stands four-squa- re for the government and the war effort. In the world blackness its eloquent patriotism shines like a star of hope and encouragement. In all future time the returned service men and their kin will never have to hunt through its files for anything like unto what Benedict Arnold and the Copperhead Jackals did in times past. Who-ever hereafter shall look through the files of the Salt Lake Tribune will find its editorial page filled with clear, clean, pa-triotic editorials that have helped to blaze a trail for victory and freedom, that have stimulated faith, that have inspired wih a spiritual urge, and that have sought to draw men and women nearer to the high purpose of life. They will find no traces of the editorial vultures who thrive only on faults like the carion birds of prey thrive on filth. The memory of its brilliant, patriotic human and American career during the war will light the pages of Utah's future. PERSONAL Grateful to This Friend. There has be n an exceptio-nally good tried nd true Friend and Neighbor walking beside jus with an extended helping j hand almost from the beginning and that is Jeweler Alfred Sor ensen whose business is at 75 East 2nd South. His ad has been in the paper all the time and, sad to say, sometimes the only one. He has even done more than paying for the ad He is a high type of progressive causes in this city. May he live long to do much more good among his fellow men. Clair Duane Olsen, grandson, who represents ours and his father's family in the war,, has been in the hospital somewhere on the Pacific for oine time because of an injury to his leg. It is little that we can learn about the injury and nothing do we know as to the location of the hospital. But everv moment there is a prayer of faith for him iu every one of our heart . How Easy to Misunderstand How easily people become misinformed and deceived. In 1936 Joshua Ralston of Prest-on, Idaho, met a person in the mission fi. Id who had known him before he was a Mormon, and remarked: "The good I knew of you vanished from my mind when 1 learned that you joined that wicked people. To me the word Mormon stands for all that is evil and degrad ing. I know it is from the De-vil." Think of that in 1936! Later he met an L. D. S. mis-sion president and told him lie had been to Russia and was favorably impressed by Com-munism and ready to accept its economic system. "You are wrong brother Ralston," said the mission president, "Com-unis- m stands for ail that is evil and degrading. It is the Dev-il's imitation of the church's United Order." Think of that in such an enlightened age! Shortly after Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of the Costume Co. celebrated their golden wedding Mrs. Hanson took sick and had to go to the hospital She is home now and much im-proved. Mrs. Bertha Jenson celebra-ted her 78th birthday Monday, rihe is not in the best of health. George J. Fox must have been thinking of 1920 or 1932 when he spoke up as follows: ' A political party is like a suit of underwearit must be wash ed up once iu a while or it be-comes smelly." When War Will End Some predictions on the end of the war: A dreamer in Geor gia says it will end on Euster, this year. A star gazer says it wiil end on Easter next year George Bernard Shaw says it will end when they kill off all the officers and the leaders A bible student says it will end when Jesus comes and calls a halt. The Lord says it will end when a full end has been made of all nations. Utah In Under Cover Sait Luke and Utah are well represented in the famous book Under Cover but no one and no paper dare say anything ab out it. One of those was so strong for Hitler and his methods that they made H.tler his first name. And what a reflection is cast upon the political party which funi the fundf, 'Nough scio. Head it Men, Look over this Paper. Read it ni.. Tbink about, it and see if it isn't worth taking. Get your friends to take it. Alfred Sorenson Progressive Jeweler I 75 East Second South Jewelry, Watch. Kodak Repairing Over 40 Years In SALT LAKE CITY, BONDS OVER AMERICA "If they mean to have Lexlnaton Green war, let it begin here," Capt. John Parker cau-tioned his 60 Minute- - "I men on Lexington gg. I ,'i. Green, just before they (I -- gg fired "the shot heard , II , round the world." V J Czechs, Dutchmen, I Danes, Frenchmen, Norsemen, now living n under the Nazi heel, - remember their dom and cherish their BaCK the Att aCk,Buy lost memorials now re- - an Extra $100 Bond black l INDIAN BEEF x By Harold Charming Wire f'tJ . Jfy ' ; stt'Hk ) Hidden Peril lay along the .j . , fjrhii route of a reat trail drive a from Texas t0 w0"1'" (ftyjff How Lew Burnetf tra!I ffi M boss, met that perU is told !n "Indian Beef" V ts 3( Here is tory wher f'Eulfttiln eouragt and daring and ,Bio" . llVi JJ skill in gunplay have lead- - yST''M & ing roles. Be sure to read jjs; 1' OvA this thrilling seria1' took for It iWWm INTHIS $ i BEGINNING NEXT ISSUE BONDS OVER AMERICA &STwiJ? feS Hoosier Monument on foreign fields dur-ing World Wsr I, In-diana hat erected at its capital of Indianapolis this striking War Memorial. SjgitiaLjS' Our dead have left their own memorials; the starved and hound-ed people of captive Europe can do little more than hope and Your War Memorial; Prav- - fe Am- - icans is left the choice U. S. War BOndS of their own future. PLANS THAT WELL FOREVER SOLVE UNEMPLOYMENT ' The Pabst Brewing Co., is offering big money prizes for a post war employment plan. Of course it must be with-in the capitalist set up and strictly within "free" enterprise. We fear they will not get a single plan that will work. We know of four plans that will work and solve the problem easily. We shall set these forth in our brief way. First, the plan of the American writer and thinker, Edward Bellamy, as given in Looking Backward. No. 1 The Bellamy Plan This plan ontlines the Cooperative Commonwealth and sets it out as the evolution from capitalism. All people are expected to work daily a limited number of hours between the ages of 21 and 45, all to be paid alike and all to share alike. There will be no money as we know it but a plentiful supply of vouchers for every one, good for all human physical needs at state stores and warehouses. The state, composed of we, the people, will be the great producing agent of all things needed. It will be highly efficient, without politics as we know it. It will take over all resources, all utilities, all manufacturing and all distribution, working under plans which will be much like a family budget. All citizens will be organized into an industrial army, each an important mem-ber of the big family. There will be no need for banks, in-vestment companies, stock markets or insurance, as all would be perfectly secure. No criminals, no courts and no lawyers, no salesmen or advertising, no armies or navies. Production controlled by consumption and need. No regi-mentation. All would own their private homes and might . eat there or in public dining halls. The government would take no profit so prices would be low. There would be a perfect educational system for every child and young person up to the age of 21. Health, culture and intellectual pursuits would be given full attention and stressed to the limit. Mr. Bellamy does not take religion or God into consideration, as he believes that true religion and Christianity lie in action such as he proposes in the working out of his plan. There never would be any unemployment under his system. So far America has sidetracked it. WORDS FROM HENRY A. WALLACE We shall soon know whether the Common Man shall have "democracy first ' or whether under the smooth phrase "Ame-rica first," the Common Man shall be robbed. Beautiful adv rtisements and slick editorials say, "Let our soldiers come home to America as it used to be." What they are really saying is, "Let us go back to normalcy, depressions, cartels and a wor every 25 years " I ask all the potential lenders of agriculture, busine-- s and labor to take councel with themselves and with the politicians. Time will not wait. The breath of the future is on us as it has never been bfifore. We caun.it escape The day about which the prophets and seers of many nations have dreamed for 3,000 years is rapidly approaching. May wisdom and un-derstanding guide our Presidentand the 96 senators as they try to make the dream of universal peace a reality. |