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Show . C Just 2 drops Penetro Vat""). Nose Drops In each nostril help you Hrin.JVl breathe freer almost HUIFFilll lnantly. Relieve the III IILL'Tf 1 head cold nasal misery. JZSJ n,y 25c 2' times as much for 60c. Caution : T Use only as direcled. f Fenetro Nose Drop. If you were to say the first bugle call of the day in the Army is "Reveille" you'd be wrong. It's "First Call." But you probably know wha. '"arette gets first call with Army men- '"s Camel. And Camel is the favorite with men in all branches of the service Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, too. (Based on actual sales records from service serv-ice men's stores.) And though there are Post Office restrictions on packages to overseas Army men, you can still send Camels to soldiers in the U. S., and to men in the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard wherever they are. Adv. Tliiie-fesftad. Adviso . Abouft ESaesS !&!. Grandma Was Right S-g Time Has Proved It ZuS. . Today, the first choice and family ingpassages,toeasemuscularsorenes standby for relieving miseries of colds or tightness. It invites restful sleep, in millions of homes is the same home- And often by morning most of the remedy grandma used . . . Vicks misery of the cold is gone 1 Try it. VapoRubl What better recommenda- tioncould a product have! Approved 0 ff f 7 O When you rub time-tested VapoRub By Two " K' on the throat, chest and back at bed- Generation V VAPORUB ttrr.hir.r.- Grove's Cold Tablets are prompt In action decisive In results. They're multiple medicine an Internal medicine. Go to work Jn a businesslike business-like way to work on all these usual cold symptoms at the same time. Relieve headache ease body aches-reduce aches-reduce fever relieve nasal stuffiness. Grove's Cold Tablets ftive wonderful comfort! Take exactly as directed. Rest, avoid exposure. Ask your druggist drug-gist for Grove's Cold Tablets. Save Monty Get Large Economy Size Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocafe lnB gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief medicines like tbosein Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in jiffy or double yonr money back on return of bottle to US. Z&o at all druggists. CAMELS ARE PACKED TO STAY FRESH EVERYVJIIZuS Because Camels are the number one cigarette with s f men in all the services, they're following our men to ,j j " every continent, on every ocean. Happily Camels are I packed to stay fresh, cool smoking, and slow burn- ; ing anywhere, any time. The Camel pack keeps your ! I Camels fresh, too sealing in that famous extra flavor s j and extra mildness. For a fresh treat, try Camel. K: :v-v.:::-:-: :: ; (':::;:: FfRST U TfiB BBRVC3 With men tn the Army, Navy, "jj Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, :; :"J : the favorite cigarette it Camel. (Bcsed on actual sales records.) , Send Your Scrap to the Salvage Pile DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP When bowels are sluggish and 70a feel irritable, headachy, do as millions do -chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing-gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, taking only in accordance with package directions sleep without being disturbed. dis-turbed. Next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEII-A-MltlTlor Hoy To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because be-cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed In-flamed bronchial mucous membranes. mem-branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding un-derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you axe to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchiris Invest in Liberty "fr Tfr -fr Buy War Bonds YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM. 397 HASHES If you suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous, cranky feelings, are a bit blue at times due to the functional "middle-age" period peculiar to women try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It helps nature Also a fine stomachic tonic. Follow Fol-low label directions. J.YDIA E. PINKHAM'S SBKSi . BROWN ACTS ' OLD TODAY S : : V,: , , ) : - 'Vf taaggi.f ii.il i '" ...nil V. it " - - '- Naturally a man looks old beyond , . -iL his years when he's sore from lnm. SOOtheS TOST Wlf bago or other muscle pains. The . rt famous McKesson Laboratories CI f I 11 HE A I developed Soretone Liniment for lillLll lllfitl those cruel pains-due to exposure, M strain, fatigue or over-exercise. Get ' mi M M the blessed relief of Soretone's APYBlin cofd heat action;- fiUllUki 1. Quickly Soretone acts to en- . t hance local circulation. meases of 2. Check muscular cramps. MUSCULAR LUl.tBAGO 3. Help reduce local spelling. BACKACHE 4. Dilate surface capillary blood din to ftUu r expum SorltTe contains methyl salicyl. MUSCULAR ate, a most effective pain-relieving SSSi iw Tt agent. There's only one Soretone- 2 J CQRC MUSCLE '' for S ore. one results. 5 Si P RMiNOR SPRAINS I ton. Ml mate" "'pi, " and McKesson makes it" LjS: WNU W 344 And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may be caused by disorder of Hd-ney Hd-ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people feel tired, weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from the blood. Yon may suffer nagtnf backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness, fretting up nights, leg pains, swelling. Sometimes frequent ana scanty urination urina-tion with smarting and burning is another an-other sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan't Pilla. It la better to rely on medicine that has won countrywide approval ap-proval than on something less favorably Known. Doan't have been tried and tested test-ed many years. Are at all drug stores-Get stores-Get Doan today. |