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Show WORDS FROM HENRY A. WALLACE We shall soon know whether the Common Man shall have "democracy first ' or whether under the smooth phrase "America "Ame-rica first," the Common Man shall be robbed. . Beautiful adv rtisements and slick editorials say, "Let our soldiers come home to America as it used to be." What they are really saying is, "Let us go back to normalcy, depressions, cartels and a wor every 25 years " ' I ask all the potential lenders of agriculture, busine-s and labor to take councel with themselves and with the politicians. Time will not wait. The breath of the future is on us as it has never been bfifore. We caun.it escape The day about which the prophets and seers of many nations have dreamed for 3,000 years is rapidly approaching. May wisdom and understanding un-derstanding guide our Presidentand the 96 senators as they try to make the dream of universal peace a reality. |