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Show IEWSrAU frag; MRS.VM.BORR f ATE AN EGG j COOKED FOR f Hot sioewaik jk?PP ' DURING A V?: WLlf"l' - ;: BLISTERING , ftLSlS MIDSUMMER a I TV CY- YOUNG , FAMED " I rX '-i PITCHER, IS NOW y '&ks&& WORKING ON A FARM FOR IX fRS, WON 511 rf" IvMj GAMES OUT OF 3 NO hit V VU - NO RUM CONTESTS, WITH W CLEVELAND AND BOSTON-OF TilE " MAJOR LEAGUES This KING of All Cough Mixtures Acts Like A Flash Trie King of oil cough medicines Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture has been used for years in over 70 of Canada's homes. Fast working, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes clears oir passages soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm ceases. You get results fast. You feel the effect of Buck, ley's Instantly. At all druggists. ! Alfred !orenen, Progressive JEWELE It 75 East 2nd. Soutb Jeweiry, Watch, Kodak Repairing 10 Years la Salt Lake i We can serve you better than ever Gellir.i Up Nighfs MekesManyFeelOld Do you feel older than you re or aufrer from Getting Up Nights. Backache, Nervousness. Nervous-ness. Leg Falna, DUslnesa. Swollen Anklei, Rheumatic Palm, Burning, scanlyor fre- Suent passages? If so, remember that Tour itnxn an Tital to your health and that these aymptoau may be due to non-organls and non-systemic Kidney and Bladdertrou-Slee Bladdertrou-Slee In auoh casea CYtfTIX (a physlelan'a prescription) usually elves prompt and Joy-out Joy-out relief by helping the Kidneys flush out poisonous excess acloj and wastes. You hare everything to gain and nothing to lose In trying tfrstea. An Iron-clad guarantee wrapped around each package aaaurea a refund re-fund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don't take chances on any Kidney medlolne that la not guaranteed. Don't delay. Get Cystex a (Slss-tex) from your tTtlyTtW druggist today. Only . W ZJ eV A ' 'The guarantee eitlfi Hut iussm protecta you. Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it When excess stomach acid causes gas, sour itomaeh or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-actinf medicineB known for symptomatic relief medleinei like those In Bell-ans Tablets. Try Bell-am jourelf at first si in of distress. They neutralise acid, reliefs ai and bring comfort very quickly yet Kre not a laxative! Only 2Sc. at drug stores. If your ?ery first trial doein t prove Bell-ant better, return bottle to ua and get double your money back. Asllima Mucus LoosenedFirifDay For Thousands of Sufferers T.;!nf f?sPln6V wheezing spasms of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy. Ingredients In-gredients In the prescription Mendaco quickly quick-ly circulate through the blood and commori-the commori-the fl;fti?MS.th"J!lclc "'angling mucus til tl&ft7, thus oldln B"un In palliating ?n r8c.urr'na- choking spasms, anl SL ? .is not a mke, dope, or ln-hV.,n-.u."..p,easant- ""'eless Salliatlng T2Sii,t. 5V8 helped thousands of inf. lerers. Printed guarantee with each nackaaa -money back unless completely satls?aorv Ask your druggist for Men Jco today. Only 60 c aaaSBBBBBBBaMaBBMaaBBBBaBaBBBBBlBBaBBBBBiBBBBMaeBaaiBBifcj t Lost a cough due to a cold thanks to the soothing action of Smith Brothers Cough Drops. Keep a box handy these days! Two )t-kinds, )t-kinds, both good, both effective, both deli- ( cious: -Black or Menthol. And still only 5. I SMITH BROS. COUGH BJ.CPS BLACK OR MENTHOl-5rVL. ' ; The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper ' I FuHiihal by THE CHRISTIAN SCIBNCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts is Truthful Constructive Unbiased Free from Sensationalism Sensational-ism Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily ' Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price 12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, j!2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science , Reading Room j 7n? Mclntyre Bldg. I .. J ...... . SALT LAKE CITY, UT' IF YOU WANT 0. K. SHOE REP.!.'. fgK.. You must fio to I'.: f? ox shoe sue; 414 So. State Street Have your Shoes Repaired Jobs at Moderate Pr , (Mix Lemon Juice wi AT HOME AfU TO RELIEVE RHEUMATIC PAINS Money Back If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast many ot the thou" jands of folks who now take lemon luu. tor rheumatic Pain-have "una that bj adding two tablespoonfuls of AUenru to irl tablaspoontul of temon Juice ta nZFS water, they get faster relief for th! Mhes It-??' caused by fH'umatlsm, lSnbago Its no surprise either, for Alienru i . 15 year old formula to reheve rh.,.. aches and pains. In faot-1 i ?doe! nS heln -your money back. What could be ??au? swr an iive Aglets 7 38-52 Years p, JW-, If this period in a woman's life I . i makes you cranky, restless , - nervous, irritable, tired, blue at ! ' 1 Y times, suffer weakness, dizzi- " 'rrlklarift1ieSS'--lS' diStr6SS f eg0 sm,!ling thra tr'ing ":r i" Pinknam'rvfrJTtLydia E" Taken regularly-Lyi pound 5', eta5. Com" Pinkham's Compound he!:.' caXtodfdlCme you build UP resistance to suck ;r, or omenit hP?ntSP a"V noyin symptoms that may distress due to thit f?,?- '6Vf liay your aSe faster than 5t disturbance Ly'da ffiZS thmg' A!s V6ry e?eCU" Compound has hPlnH t younger women to reic; dreds of th.,,ii'el??d hun" monthly cramps. Follow . :: 2?Scratliine coolrnB antiseptic, liquid D.D.D.PrScrlnUor!' proves it, or your money back Ask vo J druggist today for D. D. 2. PsCR,o I- H ' '' v: . :..':':',:;' i " -v' ' K f. y.-y - .-:-.'.-:.-: I? ? ' iV"' - tV ' r i : . f . , lilt iilpMiS' Jlilli i; - ' ; ' i !1 ' 1 v ; I " '! i i I'Sj A t " : t "if 'Cn i, i i " - fT KeeptW ; I est period in talnedaTmy o . d J ; -wrthtn e 1 who bad been r ge. ' rrH I . '.v. . .i v America says "keep 'em flying." But to keep 'em flying we must keep 'em rolling on the rails. Materials, j thousands of carloads, for planes, tanks and guns must be rushed to production and assembly plants. Completed armament also must be transported. i ! Union Pacific is powered to do the job. Twenty "Big j Boys," largest steam locomotives ever built, have recently ' been added to the large fleet of other super-powered rail j j giants placed in service during the past five years. ' j h Millions of dollars also have been invested in freight cars, I -new rails and property improvements. For defense as I 5 well as industry's normal needs, Union Pacific the J Strategic Middle Route connecting East with West ; upplies the demand for dependable transportation. j CityTicketOffice.Hotel Utah Bldg. Phone 3-1 544, LUUOH PACIFIC RAILROAD : 7fc uifyaAfi& 'Bide - |