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Show M I 9 1'OMTICAMiY, IlKPCllLICAX J Issued Every Friday, It. W. Crockett. Manager. ! Subscription, $1.60 tho Year, ' Al)Vi:nTIHlNO IIATIJS. Display, One Dollar per Inch per Month; Blngle Issue. ,, I0o per Inch: Full Position Top of Column, Next Heading SB i i Matter, 26 Per Cent Additional. ! Two Thousand Inches, to He Ud In One liar, 12 He SB '' I ""fifteen Hundred Inches, to He Used In One Year, 16c SB PerOne Thousand Inches, to He Vued In One Ytnr, 20o BH ' Perileaders and Legal Notices, lOo per Line First In- BH sertlon; Eo per l.lno Each 8ulteiuent Issue. I Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Itcsolutlons, Rtc at HB1 I Half Local Heading Notice Hale. fB. ' Adlets, For Bale, For Itent, I-ost. Found, Ktc, One M , Cent per Word F.ach Issue. No Chargn Accounts. BBi Address All Communications to TUB BUN, IMUCE, B UTAH. H For the Sun Is no sooner risen with a burning B Heat, but it wlthcrcth the Gross, nnd the Flowers H j thereof fnilcth, nnd the Grace of the fashion of H ', it pcrishcth; Bonisoshnll the Illch fndc nwny in Ht . His ways. Jnmcs, Ml. |