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Show SURVEY PARTIES " BUS1MN BASIN ACTIVITY IK Di:CII)i:iliY l'I,llS. !.i to thi: hi:sui:nts. Ilrmer und Hlo (Jninilo and the Union i'nriric Arc Now lu thn Ulntnli Ha-.In. Ha-.In. Ituiiior. to tin Kffm Tlint the Colorado .Mldlnud Will Soon Knter tho Field Willi u Crt. Tmi surve)lng parties, believed to be emploe. of the Denver and Hlo Grande und the Union I'nolflc rull-roiids, rull-roiids, are now In tho Uintah Hasln, und rumors to the effect that another In the employ of the Colorado Midland Mid-land will arrive In a few da. have fired tho residents of the territory with the hope that one or more railroads rail-roads will bo constructed Into the basin at once, say. Wednesday. Salt take Tribune. After running u preliminary lino to within sight of Myton, the corps generally gen-erally believed to be lu the employ of the Denver and Hlo (Irandu has returned re-turned to lndlun Canyon and Is engaged en-gaged In surveying u new line. Tho socond survey begins nt the mouth of Indian Canyon, llku the first, but runs closer to Duchesne townilte and, n. It goes down the river, eliminates sever-ul sever-ul curves and Is shorter than the former for-mer survey. It Is reported that the purveyor, havo found a tunnel route, Warly two miles long, that will pro-yde pro-yde u grade not exceeding 2 per cent at any point between Duchesne and Colton. Three covered wagons, occupied by several men and surveying equipment, passed through Duohesne last Saturday Satur-day night, und It Is commonly rumored rumor-ed thut tho party Is In tho employ of tho Union Pacific, However, o fur as can bo learned, no one has seen this crew at work. A report also bus reached tho basin to the effect thur" the Colorado Midland hu. engaged conveyances for u corps of surveyors Into tho basin and thut the crew will be on tho ground within the next two weeks. Tho crew now at work on the line between Duchesne and Myton hus mudo arrangements Indicating that It expect, to bo In the vicinity for several sev-eral months, and before long will bo umped In tho neighborhood of Verbal. Ver-bal. Although Vice President Hrown of the Denver nnd Hlo Grande, while In Suit take City last week denied any I knowledge of contemplated construe-! construe-! Hon of new lines, tho report that the !Dener ind Hlo Clrumle Is making u I preliminary survey for a lino from Alamosa t. Durango, Colo., ha. given i the resldontH of tho Ulntuh Hasln new hopes that the compuny Is now fln-unclully fln-unclully able to go head with new work and thut tho lino Into tho basin will be Included In the 1910 budget |