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Show "DEATHS ATWELLIKOTON Old Itivldciil mid I.ltllo Child l'n Auuy the Biiine Day. Correspondence The Bun. Wi:i.I.!XOTON, OcL 21. A gloom ha. comn tithe people of Wellington thl. week In the death of two of their number; Mttln (lenuve, 4 year, old, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. II. I Johnson, John-son, died Bunday, October 17th, from an attack of diphtheria. Bho was sick but it few day. when death mine. Bhe wa. a living child and being the youngest of the family wilt be mlced very much. Other member, of the family are III from tho sarie disease. All publlo gatherings have been prohibited pro-hibited and the school have been closed for a Meek. Mrs. Mamlti Kosgreen, aged 78 years, died lust Bunday, October 17th. She had been confined to her bed, ex-cept ex-cept to be hauled around In n chair, ever since a year ago last July. The funeral services were hold Wednesday. Octolior 20th, under the direction of lllshop Kugenu K. llranch. The speaker, all eulogised tho name and good work accomplished by "Aunt Mamie" u. .he wa. called. Mm. I-'osgreen came from Sulem to Wellington many year. ago. Bhe had been married twice, but no children ere born Hi her. Mr. und Mr.. Hob. ert W. Bnyder, formerly of Wellington but now located on the reservation, intended tho funeral services. Tho past four yeari the deceased had resided re-sided with Mr. and Mrs. John A. I'ow-ell, I'ow-ell, Jr. Bho lived nnd died a faithful latter-day Balnt. |