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Show COMPARATIVE STATEMENT AS TO 1814 AND 1315 ASSESSMENTS Thn state board of equalisation hns completed Its assessments on public-utilities public-utilities ii ml thu mining Indiulr). In-terurban In-terurban rallrouds show tho lurgtst liuTcasu on ncrount of extensions made. Thern was also a substantial Incrtnsu In power rompnnleri and In telegraph nnd telephone companies. The assessment of tile net proceeds of mines fell off this juir $1,630,400. Kxpress tompanlts also showed u falling off on uccount of lack of business. busi-ness. Following Is u comparative statement made by tho board f'lV thn cnrs 1911 und IflC: ISM. 19JC. Increase. Decreuso Hallrnuds $:0.9SO.07 ISUOl.SOB $ 721.218 Interurban railroads UK6.3H8 K.tOB.OU 1.10MI5 Power companies 2,t73,7l 2.733.710 SSti.fllM Telephone companies 1,677.876 1.037,119 69.213 Telegraph companies 370,327 600.494 190.107 Kxpiess companies .6&0 88,019 6,931 Water companies .. . R, , 67.006 Car companies 490.398 646,022 56.254 NetimKcXfTfinlne 9,049.932 8.119,632 1.630.400 Improvements nnd maohln- ....-. ....... manufacturing companies 3.990.283 4,102,477 172.194 I61.UI9.2I3 166,023,210 12,507,393 $1,693,390 Total net Im reuse for tho enr 1916, $973,997. |