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Show INDEPENDENCE DAY FINDS OUR COUNTRY COUN-TRY THE ONLY ONE XT PEACE. Independence Day this year finds the United States tho only nation among the world powers which is at peace. Adherence to the admonition of our forefathers to avoid entangling alliances nnd n fortunate absenco from jealous neighbors hns saved us the pains and tho horrors of war. We enter uporr the celebration of 6ur national Independence with n truer consciousness of our national greatness than ever before. Not through devastating wars have we sodght to grow greater, but we have attained that end through peaceful pursuits. Individual freedom hns been our Ideal since the birth of this nation, and only for tho protection and maintenance of this ideal have we lifted tho sword for ourselves and for others as well. The advent of Independence Day hns a special significance this year 1915. It seems that we havo definitely passed one of the greatest crises, if not tho greatest, In the history of our country and ono which might have drawn us into the mnclstrom of blood which is now being shed in Europo. Tho dark cloud has passed. Its shadow merely remains. It is tho duty of everyone to stand by our leaders while oven this slight shadow remains. At the same time wo should all of us work for Rcaco at all times when it can be attained with onor. The spirit of independence, whirh Is one of our most cherished ideals and possessions, has nothing to do with bluster or with sword rattling. Dignltv and the knowledge of being in the right will nttaln for us greater victories than shot nnd shell havo ever won. Those are the thoughts of our nation's lenders. Let time thoughts bo ours as well for Independence Inde-pendence Day, nnd let every individual back them up. |