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Show LIGHT RECEIPTS, BOODJARKETS I'VTTIii; KUTHKN Tt) THI11T IIKllimt ON MOST HTM I' OihhI Hun Wnn KMtleil, Which Mate Ma-te rhellicet to the l.xtent or Kiev en rhoiunnil He ml Market On Hhccp nitil Ijeintw N Twe lit). live Cent Higher Than Previous Work Cotrespondenee The Hun KA.NHVH CITY Mo June M Light receipt or enttle last week brought n good market, nnd sale wero fifteen to thlrt) cent higher on most killing cattle Htneker and feeder were sxmrce and price were stead) to lower A gooel run of caltlo wnn expected ex-pected toda). which materlallxed to tho extent of eleven thousand head, Im hiding n hundred and fort) -three car of quarantine eattlo Corn red initio were scarce, nnd sold stead), heaV) steer up to t 3( )tarllng If 40. bulk or steer $8 3C to ! 10 Hutcher caltlo aro holding rirm, an gras entile havo nol cut In on them to an) extent )ct. though more grass-ir grass-ir will eomo each week now A train or eighteen enr or Arliona baric) nnd alfalfa fed steer arrived and sold at $7 75 to $ 36. price sllghll) better than a train or similar steer brought n week ago In tho quarantine division divi-sion about a hundred car or tho up-pi) up-pi) were red steer rrom North Texas, tho good steer welling largely nt stead) price. IS 00 to $ 75 Competition Com-petition vvn strong on these because or small orferlng or mrnfed cattle In tho native division Medium fed steer sold at $7 40 to $100, nnd Houth TeXH grurser lit $0 30 to $7 10, tho lop grosser having had n little cake und some limner steer brought $& it,, there? price ten to fifteen cent lower Htocker nnd feeder were moro plentiful plen-tiful todn) nnd demand wnn strong with prhe stead) common Miocker around $ SO, desirable nicer for th.t eciuntr) or nil weight nt $7 !5 to $X00 Hhccp uud lamb arrived lit the number or six thousand head, market twcnty-tlvo cent higher Hprlng UiiiIhi sold ut $10 It and $10 30 including in-cluding thirteen load or Arlionn spring InmlH at thene prices. Toxn stock I coming In scalti red shipment ewe worth $6 00 to $S 78, yearling i 60 to $7 00 Nnllvn ewe sell ut $1 76 to $6 36 Tnki ' lulr Ijinib.. During the past two week approximate!) approxi-mate!) thirty thousand lamb huvn been piirehaned In Uintah county by Hherman Culp, n lamb bii)er from Hoik) Cord Colo, u)n Viriiat' Bx-press Bx-press or l"rlday last, and Hnellen John-inn John-inn who bought ror him after he Hi This lake ii Inrg. portion tf the lamb crop of the eiiuntiy At firm Culp paid $ 35 per hundred delivered nt etnal but later, lamb became so plentiful that he paid onl) $6 90 delivered de-livered at W'atsou He. lute nils to plain tin m on tho marki I ut once llo Want Mon Horso. Charle Walker, the horse lni)cr from the Denver l.lvn Htock nnd Com-njlmlon Com-njlmlon nimpMi) who wan In thn Vernal Ver-nal i on u tr) several week ago and purchased tWenty-miVen head or animal ani-mal 1 back again bu)lng more He ship out b) way or Itirie, Colo He ha been rlrly successful nnd ha now bought rort) head Iist week ho spent two da) In the Jcioevn district |