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Show POST CARDS IMY BE USEDT0 DUN LATH ItUMX FHOJI THK POST. OPFIt'i: DHPAHTMKXT. One Utah Firm .Make Hotlne of Something Mkc Four llundml ol-Inm ol-Inm Hociiii'c of the Itcdui-cil Hate In Howling Out Sintcmonts l-oonl Firm .May Take Advantage Numerous Inquiries, occasioned by the appearance since the first of the month of poMrnrd learlng statement of current accounts, have been made during the past few days oT Pt-mamer Pt-mamer Noble War rum and other red-eral red-eral official nt Halt take City n to the mallablllty of the card under the postal law. The postal law- prohibit prohi-bit the rending of requests for payment pay-ment sueh a Include threat of suit or other matter calculated to refleil upon the addressee. The explanation of the nppearnnre of the current account ac-count card I to be found In a recent ruling which permit. f them. Th ruling reads: ....... "The department has ruled that the clause prohibiting epithet or language lan-guage calculated by the terms or manner man-ner of display nnd obviously Intended to reflect upon the character or conduct con-duct of another makes unmnllnble cards by which It appear thai the ad-dreeecc ad-dreeecc It being dunned for an account ac-count that I past due. Thl does not Iniludc cards that bear respectful requests re-quests for the settlement or current account or that give notice when an account, paper, assessment, taxes, gn bills, etc., will be due, and such cards nre regnrded ns mailable." Asked ir the Including or an amount past duo as a feature of the card setting set-ting forth the dues of tho current month constituted an objectionable feature, "Vrnl pustufflcn official slated that they were not entirely pre pared lo say whether or not the wording word-ing of the ruling would exclude such data. A further reading of the ruling gives the Information that asesment or fraternal order and other societies may be mailed by card, provided that the assessment docs not appear as past due. The adoption of the current account card as a means of rendering statements state-ments as allowed under the ruling will materially nffeel the receipts of nil of-fires. of-fires. It Is estimated that one company com-pany nt Halt take City ndmltted under the ruling will save four hundred dot-Inrs dot-Inrs n month by the substitution of n postcard for a two. cent stamp upon their monthly statements. |