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Show FRANCHISE GIVEN ; FOR FIFTY YEARS Utah Power and Light Company Now Heady to Begin Work Locally Tax Levy For the Present Year. The Hun Is a week lain In an- nounUng; the tax levy for the your 1915 After the meillnR of the honrd of count) comrnlnnlon- crs on Tucsdny of Inst week n representative of The Hun v lulled the county clerk' ( office nnd vvns shown whnt purported to be the minutes of the meetjna; The tux 4 lev was not nmoriK the minutes I ton ever hero Is the lev) Oenetnl rnunty purpoe". five inlllr county school tvvent) three mills Itond slnklntf fund 4 thru qunrter mills, bond Inter rut fund, three-iunrter milts, tiinKe (tittle nnd horses, four mill, state rond, one mill Utnh exhibit nl I'anamn-I'nclfic expo sltlon one-fifth mill. N H Nell son note of 120,000 (Judgment) 4 three mills. Total, fort) -two nnd seven-tenths mills (3 7) It Is explained hy the commit- shiners that while this lovy Is hlKher than last )enr In some of the precincts of the county. It Is b reduction for those precincts which levied nn exceeding,!) high school tax In former jenra. ) f-fffJ"4"-ff4f f-l- W It I'utnnm, mnnnRer of the power sales department of Utah Power nnd Light compan) at Halt Ike Clt), nppenred before the board of county cnmmlsrloners Inst Tuesda) In the matter of a franthlM) for his corporation to opernto In Carbon uouuty Tho franchise was granted and runs fur fifty yenrs It Is published pub-lished In dotall elsowhero In this lm presslon of The Hun I. A McOrc, attorne), presented n petition nsklng for n right of uv change In the county road from Helper Hel-per to ICi nlluorth from the pri-ent line, which follows the rn irond right of way The mntter was Inld on the tnble until tho members of the hoard or others have time to go Into Its m rlts. Poinlnlik llergera asked for a license li-cense ror a "sagebrush saloon nt Illucl, Hnwk which was denied Iter gera hns n license nt Price nnd nlso one at Helper, and Is supposed to rip resent Joseph llarhogllo, member of the (mint) school Imnrd, banker nnd lilt tested Inrgel) In the llilper Mercantile Mer-cantile compan), which supplies boose nl wholesale to man) of the 'glnmllls' of CarlMin county l I) lloulx nt tormy ror the coal rompaii) nt lllack Hawk opposed tho II ense It was flist hlood foi llouti In tho right between be-tween his uompnn) nnd llarhogllo, prominent In the loumlls of tho bull moosera " II O Muthls of Price vrn named as nommlssloner on behalf of Curium ounty for the Cnrbon-Kmer) Pair association Mrr Millie Vnni-o Indigent widow, was granted un nllownme of Ight dollars dol-lars mouthl) Olirk Horsle) wits In strutted to buy tickets for Mr. and Mrs. Will In in Hpcneer to Qreen lllver Indigents. There being some dispute over the Carbon nnd IJmery boundnry line, the county surveyor was Instructed to run tho same with the surveyor of Hmcr) count) Clerk Horsle) was ordered to Issue n warrant In fuvor of the state rond commission In the amount of 11461 3V Clerk nnd Auditor Horsley Is irlv-lleged irlv-lleged to nttind the meeting of tho pn-tlonnl pn-tlonnl conference of state auditors at Halt take Clt) on August Ilth lo 21st Kdwnrd W Jones tendered his res Ignntlon ns Justice of the peace nt Illawntha W H McClurg Is appointed appoint-ed K W Tuikcr was appointed spetlal deputy sheriff without pay, subject to the phasiire of Hherlff Henr) The bonrd adjourned subject lo the call of the chairman , |