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Show B I 1, I'OMTICAMjY, IlKl'UIlMGAN B Issued Kvery Friday, H W Crockett. Manager K .. I v Sulmcrlptlon, $1(4 the Year m, , j, . H r ? ADVKIITIHIKU ItATICH. H , f Display, Ono Dollar per Inch per Month; Single Iiwue, m 60o per Inch; Full 1'osltlon Top of Column, Next Heading Matter, 26 Per Cent Additional. B Two Thousand Inches, to He Used In Ono Year, I2c B per Inch. M Fifteen Hundred Inches, to Ha Used In One Year, IS H per Inch H Ono Thousand Inches, to Ho t'sed In One Year, 20c H; perilnch. Headers and Legal Notices, lOo per Line I'lrst In- sertlon; So tier I.lns Kach Subsequent le-iuc. m Qbltuarlca, Cards of Thanks, Hcsolutlons, Etc., nt m I ' llalfXocnl Heading Notice Ilntea. ' Adlets. For Halo, For ItenU I.ost. Found, V.tc. One MmW Cent per Word Kauh Issue. No Charge Accounts. . Address All Communications to TUB HUN, I'ltICK, M UTAH. B Application Made or Admission to the Malls ns H Hccond-Class Matter, under the Aet of August 2t, 112, or H 'the Act of Junn (, lioo. |