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Show CHECK ARTIST IS IN COLORADO JAIL oiiWD .M-vcnov, COM) wo- MAN I.OSIX FIITV. Itnil Pncr Drawn On Iiiitltutlon At Prtcr tly- Fellow Who Claims Tills City As III llc-ldencc Soon Caught At (Kenwood Springs nml Now IjanguMiO Helilml Iron Hnrs. Q HAND JUNCTION, Colo , Aug. 8 Percy B. Christy, said to bo from Price, Is wanted by the police here on the charge of forgery. The P'lc say he cashed a check for fifty dollars drawn on the First National bank of Price after securing the Indorsement of Mrs. Kugene II. Smith of this city to the same. Tho check was signed C 11. Adams. It Is said Christy Induced Mrs. Smllh to sign the check after claiming claim-ing to be a couiiln and showing an exceptional ex-ceptional knowledge of the Smith relation, re-lation, talking of them fluently for half an hour before asking Mrs. Smith If she would Identify him so he could cash n check. I Victim Heroine Huplrlou. After securing tho Indorsement ho had been gone from the house less I than ten minutes when Mr. Bmlth decided de-cided to call up and advle the bank to Investigate before cashing the paper, pa-per, having grown suspicious after second thought, but she was too late, as the check had' been cashed. Christy Is described ns a )oung man of good appearance, dressed like a farmer. Mm. Smith sa ho told her he came from Halt tike City to Price and had been In the latter place some time I Not Known I-oonllr. Advice from Orand Junction since the alovo went Into type slate that Christy hsa Itrcn taught at Olenwood Springs, Colo. The fellow had purchased pur-chased an entirely new outfit of clothe from a store at Orand Junction, Junc-tion, and had changed his appearance as much as possible. He I now In the county jail. The officers at Price cannot recall Christ)' being In the city, and Inquiries In-quiries by The Sun fall to dlscloso hi having been In Price. |