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Show FAIRVIEW. I ; PAtitvitnv. 'H-'-7l,',JJIJ' ealld at the home of Charles Ilrlggs. ; ptembtr 6th. and left n fine baby . MIi ltoile Itlehenback of J-he S was the guest of Hthjrle nnd Mnr j Llndiiubrt the mst ten dnys. J Mr. Hena Hrady of Huhl. Mn.. Is j a guost at thp home of her daughter. J Mrs. A. Ira Cox. J rrhan Ilekn4.ll of Halt I-jke City 3 Is rWtlMg with John U nnd . K. . Iteneh. . Mr. and Mm Mmll Chrlstenen , iwf out from Halt Uke Htv Wed- J neariay t visit relatlrea hrp. I Mfss Mary l.lnlttfc wp1 to Halt J Like City and I'rovn to vlstt relatives , I Td friends. J Mprrtl and IMrnl Itasmussen re- . I turned from th fair nt Hn Frnnelseo lost week, nnd reort having had an , . xrrllent time. Mr. and Mrs. Uiren Anderson mov- j d to Moroni thhi k. where Mr. 3 Anderwin wilt teaeh In Hip high ho,d H ' rrlds pven.ng a party wns glvpn 4 nt the home oT .Mb Wrda Chenej j l.v MlMt Velora AltrHl. Twelve girls 1 were present Tie? prenlng wns spent d In singing, music ami fortune telling. 4, Delicious refreshmpMt were served. 3 Merlin Mmlsen nnd Mte Lurlte i '1'iterwin wire marrleil In the Mnntl H temple Heptemlipr 8th. A reception j in their honor Was given Thursday . evening nt the home of the bride's 3 parents, Mr nnd Mrs. Peter Peter- 3 son H Momtn' nfternoon a mrty wns glv- 3 in nt the home of Mrs. Allertn Hrady for the primary offleers nnd a few . giest A giMMl program whs git en, ; after whbh n chicken supper wns '. dried The etenlng wns spent In primary dnnii's nml games, followed 11 serving ! cream nnd en. . Thursda evening a chicken wnke . iv is given at the LlHdUlet home com-1 com-1 pumiiilsrv to Mis Honle Itbhen-t,n Itbhen-t,n k of ltd h fir lil. Supper wns nerved ,it midnight HeptemlM-r Ith Mrs. IUsn.hr oi, n 1 ntetlnlued nt n kenslngton In hir "f Mrs Krnest Pnulsen of Halt l.nkp I'll) The afternoon wns ent in inusl.'. singing nnd soclsl .hsl nn excellent ex-cellent luncheon lielng served In the meantime |