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Show HiKESTJIlE m l.nvti Ithcr I'rolt I'IiiiIn Itend) Snb In 'II dt Count). A D. Lew Ik came home Htid hm-hi Hundny with hi fmnlly and early thin week went out among the fruit grower grow-er to arrange for mure Muff to rill the order he Iihm been uklng In the i-ohI mmpK of Carbon iiiunt. mk (Ireeii Itlver'K DlKpatch. Mundn) night he Kent out n mrbwd of peHctien. Lew Ik Iihk Im-cii handling pxprew KhlpmeiitK galore mid he will probably handle nearly two thouietnd dollar' worth of local product tho preeent eeuKon. Htnrtlng In n couple of week ago he meroli Intended hnndllng the crops of ChrU P'rllx, Trunk Kearsou, lta Ingel mid hluiKelf, but a number of other grow era seeing that he vn finding good market hnn nxked him to handle their stuff nlso, which he Is doing. He nitvilutety refuse to handle any stuff Hint I not high grade nnd In flrat-rlnes condition. Most of the stuff ho U shipping Ik from trees tluil UnvU hluiKelf sprayed, Ho Ik succeeding In opening up an nvenun for Green Itlver Valley product that has never been touched to any great extent before. When ho run across a buyer thnt some other Green Itlver grower or the locul usMocliitlon ban made quotation to he does not Interfere with the trnnwutlon, aiming merely to open up now buftlnosa and establish firmer relutlons with desirable markets, |